
Monday, December 28, 2015

Good News and Bad News

The good news first: my sister is here visiting! She drove out from the Chicago area over the weekend to spend some time with us, which is awesome. We both needed some sister time, I think: her husband just deployed and none of the rest of our extended family is around, so we're incredibly happy to have her here.

The bad news is this: between her visit, covering for coworkers and stacking clients so that I can take New Year's Day off, I have absolutely no time. No for writing, not for editing (and oh my god, it hurts to put those off, the pain, it's real): no, my normal MO has been rollicked. So, that means no Redstone tomorrow, and just as I was getting to Robbie's plight, and I know, I KNOW! I'm so mean. I'm sorry, but needs must this week. I promise a story to satisfy very, very soon.

My next post will probably be for New Year's. Take care if you're in a place that's got tornadoes/floods/excessive rain! (I'm looking at you, southern US and England).


  1. Enjoy your family and enjoy the holidays. We'll still be here. Have a happy New Years. Your stories have certainly helped brighten this past year and I look forward to more next year, especially since you left Robbie in a bit of a predicament!

    1. I know I did, poor Robbie...but resolution comes! Happy new year to you too:)

  2. Yep, what Avid said - we'll still be here, but you go enjoy the rest of the holidays :-) x

  3. Don't worry about us. We'll wait. I'm glad that you and your sister will get some time together. Happy New Year!

    1. She's great and it's been lovely! Happy new year to you too, hon.
