
Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year, darlins!

I hope it will be a great one for all of us. 2015 was amazingly good to me in a lot of ways: my honey and I are now homeowners, I got in with Samhain and published more with Riptide, and we went to Japan, which was amazing. I've been very fortunate, I've worked hard, and I feel good. Yay for me ;)

This year I'm trying to do even more with my writing. I've got four novels scheduled to come out, I've got a new release on the 13th of this month (Dangerous Territory, which has a contest going on Goodreads--you want to win it? Enter here: Dangerous Territory giveaway ), I'm up for a few MM Romance Group Member's Choice Awards, which...

Okay, it's not a perfect group and I very rarely win at popularity contests, but Ten Simple Tips For Surviving The Apocalypse is listed in a few categories (Best Humorous, Best Love Is An Open Road Story, and Best Sci Fi/Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk) and I'm actually very proud of that story, so placing in a category would be nice. Want to vote for me? *crosses fingers* It starts today! You can find the polls here (you have to be a member to vote, obviously): vote! Where There's Smoke and Reclamation are also listed in a few places, so feel free to go crazy ;)

Speaking of Ten Simple Tips, soon I'll have paperback copies of that for sale. Yeah, I know you can get the ebook for free but whatever, they're cool and I plan to give some away, so...that's coming! I've got to finish Redstone, I've got to finish my Samhain contemporary novel, I've got to finish a few other stories this month, and then...THEN! New stuff. Giveaways. Love and affection. I've it all, baby.

Anyway, welcome to 2016, and thanks for sticking with me. We're going to have a fun year together, darlins!

1 comment:

  1. I voted! Woot! It only took me like an hour to vote in all the categories... ;-)
