
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve!

Today is a crazy day, and tomorrow will be more of the same for a lot of you, so I'm just throwing this out there now in the hopes you'll get a chance to read for a sec.

I wish I had a wonderful Christmas gift prepared for all of you, a delightful little story for you to read or a snippet of something awesome or a vignette featuring some of your favorite characters, but I don't. Time ran out on me, and so all I can do is wish you and yours a wonderful, safe, and very happy Christmas/holiday/solstice season. I love that you stick with me, that you read my interminable blog stories, and that you put up with my occasional rants. 2016 is looking to be a huge year, career wise (knock on wood) but I plan to keep on posting free stories here, and the new year will have some really excellent giveaways and contests and things like that for you, because you all deserve the best.

So, next week I'll talk plans and accomplishments and ideas and all that jazz. Today, tomorrow, be well and be merry, darlins. I wish you all the best,


  1. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas to you, I hope it was great!

  2. Merry Christmas and may your New Year be prosperous

  3. Merriest of Christmases, Cari - I hope your 2016 is all you want from it :-) x

    1. Same to you! I hope you have time for lots of writing *waits for vampire book*

  4. Merry Christmas! Sounds like you got some interesting things to tell us lol!!

    1. Fairly interesting, fairly... ;) Merry Christmas darlin!
