
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Chelen City: Chapter Ten, Part One

 Notes: Happy 4th for those who celebrate it! Have some sexy story on this independence day :)

Title: Chelen City: Chapter Ten, Part One


Chapter Ten, Part One



Elanus would be the last person to describe himself as a sex fiend, but there was something about Kieron that he just couldn’t resist. Maybe he’d had a few too many near-death experiences with the man and it triggered some primal hunger in him, but as soon as they were in their room again, Elanus couldn’t hold back. He grabbed Kieron under the thighs, picked him up, leaned against the wall and kissed him to within an inch of his life.

I saw you fall.

Logically he’d known that Kieron was roped, he’d seen it, he’d fucking felt it, but that knowledge hadn’t penetrated in the moment. All he’d seen was the drop, and the look of fear and surprise on Kieron’s face. He’d seen that, and every thought of his own safety had flown from his mind. All that had mattered was getting to Kieron, following him over, following him down—

Oh, that wasn’t healthy. That sort of devotion was not healthy, and he was going to have to rewrite his will to take into effect what might happen if he and Kieron died at the same time, because it was clear to him that this emotional affliction was a shared one.

And he didn’t fucking care.

Kieron kissed him back, fiercely, holding Elanus’s head still with his hands as he took control of the embrace. “I’m all right,” he whispered before biting Elanus’s lower lip and sucking it into his mouth for a moment. Elanus felt his brain begin to liquify—he loved being bitten, being pulled at and pushed and treated like he was smaller than he actually was. Every person of non-Ganian height he’d ever slept with had expected to be thrown around, held down, encompassed—everyone except Kieron, who gave as good as he got.

“You’re all right too,” Kieron added when he finally let Elanus come up for air, and Elanus shook his head.

“I don’t think so.”

“You are.”

“I’m fucked without you.”

Kieron smiled. “You’re just in love.”

“That’s not love, that’s obsession.”

“No, it really is love.” Kieron stroked Elanus’s temples, kissed the edge of his neatly-trimmed beard. “That’s how we love when we’re in the thick of it. You Ganians are just too removed from love and death and all the other big, scary emotions.”

“We…” Well, perhaps he had a point. But it still wasn’t healthy, wasn’t the sort of attitude that would be respected here. He was supposed to be above stupid things like risking his own death because his lover was in trouble, and yet…

“You can’t leave me.”

“I won’t.”

“No.” Elanus shook his head. “You can’t leave me. It will fuck me up, it will massively fuck me up, I don’t know that I’ll be able to survive it and what would that do to the girls? What would that do everything we’ve built, to our friends, to the people who depend on us?”

“The girls are smart,” Kieron said. “They’d be all right.”


“You’re not going to scare me with this,” he interjected, turning Elanus’s head so he could mouth at his ear, pinching the lobe between his teeth until Elanus whined. “Obsession is the language I grew up with.”

“You grew up screwy.”

“Yeah,” Kieron purred. “I know.” He arched his back and rubbed the solid bulge of his cock against Elanus’s stomach. “Doesn’t it make you want to fuck some sense into me?”

It did was the terrible thing. It absolutely, completely did. Elanus growled and threw Kieron down onto the bed, then stripped out of his fancy suit as fast as he could.

“You look so pretty in that,” Kieron commented as he pulled off his own clothes, and Elanus’s mind sort of…blipped. Pretty. Pretty? What else could he wear that would get Kieron to call him pretty?

Wait, why do I want him to call me pretty?

“You’re thinking too hard. Come here.” Kieron reached out and grabbed Elanus’s wrist, pulled him down onto the bed, and flipped him over onto his back. “Here.” He put Elanus’s hands in his hair. “I’m going to suck you off. Feel free to get a good grip.”


The wet, searing heat of Kieron’s mouth on his cock cut off Elanus’s…whatever he was going to say. He felt dizzy, almost drunk from the whiplash he was going through with his lover, from fearing for his life to fucking his mouth in under ten minutes. Remembering the roof made him feel faintly sick, but then Kieron moaned with triumph as he worked the head of Elanus’s dick down his throat, and…

Elanus fucked him. He couldn’t not fuck him when he had him like this, when every noise Kieron made was a come-on, a come-hither, deliberately designed to drive him insane. Kieron knew exactly what he was doing, the obsession he was encouraging. He liked it, he wanted it, and right now Elanus couldn’t see a reason not to give him everything he wanted.

He came in record time, too worked up to hold back. He kind of hoped Kieron would climb up and straddle his face, but instead he sat back, got his hands under Elanus’s hips, and rolled him over onto his front. “I’m not done with you yet,” he said, spreading Elanus’s thighs apart. “Up.” Elanus dazedly lifted his hips, and Kieron chuckles and patted his ass with one hand. “Good boy.” Then he leaned in and spread his tongue across Elanus’s hole, and Elanus keened.

They didn’t…they’d never…had they? He couldn’t think, couldn’t remember, couldn’t do anything but let Kieron have his way with him, keeping his shaking thighs apart and spearing him with his tongue, licking in and over and around until Elanus was hard again. When Kieron stopped, Elanus actually reached out and grabbed at him. “No, stay, stay…”

“Oh, sweetheart.” Kieron laughed, low and dark. “I’m not going anywhere.” And then he began to press inside of Elanus, and…

It hurt, and it didn’t. It was a rougher slide than he was used to—had Kieron even used lube? Elanus didn’t know, and he honestly didn’t care because it felt like every nerve in his body was alight with pleasure, any pain turned into a glorious reminder that he was alive, that they both were, that they had this. They had it, he had Kieron, he hadn’t ruined everything. Elanus didn’t realize he was saying any of this until Kieron leaned over and kissed the center of his back.

“Yeah, we do,” he said, then pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in. Elanus grabbed himself to keep from coming on the second stroke. “Good. Hold on.” And then…

He was fucked stupid. Fucked blind and deaf, fucked until his cock leaked over his fingertips and waiting for Kieron to come was painful but he did it because he wanted to wait, he’d already come and he wanted to feel it, wanted to be good, and then finally he was good, he could come, “come for me.”

And he blacked out.

He woke up to Kieron lying by his side, running a gentle hand over his chest. They were both clean, and lying on their backs in the bed. “I’m tempted to be very smug right now,” he said with a smile, “but given that I’ve also passed out with you inside of me, I’ll take the high road.”

“Do you really forgive me?” Elanus asked hoarsely.

The smile faded into a frown. “What is there to forgive?”

“What I said on that show—the things I revealed about you, the, the scrutiny I left you open to—”

Kieron shrugged. “It had to happen sooner or later. I would have preferred later, but it could have been worse. I didn’t…react all that well to it though, and I’m sorry for that.”

Elanus felt like he’d just been given a gift he wasn’t expecting and didn’t deserve. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who—”

“You want to make it up to me?”

“Yes.” Whatever “it” was, as complicated or as simple as Kieron thought of “it,” Elanus wanted that.

“Then give me all the details you’ve been holding back lately,” Kieron said bluntly. “Everything about the people you’re working against, who you suspect of plotting against us, what this interview was really about, all of it. Make me a part of things, not just…another piece on the chessboard.”

Elanus swallowed. He opened his mouth to agree, but what came out instead was, “I play go, not chess.”

“Fine, then not just another stone on the go board.”

He nodded. “All right.” The thought of sharing everything he knew was actually quite…liberating. “All right.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Let’s start with Fritz and work out from there.”

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