
Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 Hi Darlins!

Okay, now that I've scared you (sorry!) let me assure you that I'm fine, my family is fine, we're all good. However, I'm reaching the breaking point with Blogger as a platform. It's losing functionality, won't let me respond easily to comments, and now people can put a second later of censoring over my content, which is already behind a wall, because they don't like sex. So. I think I've gotten to the point where I just need to say "fuck 'em" and go elsewhere.

This is a big prospect, though. I've got over a decade worth of posts on this blog. I've got over five hundred thousand words of the Bonded universe on this blog, not even mentioning the other stories I've written here over the years. Where is it all going to go? Are you going to lose access to it forever?

No. Absolutely not. Some of that access will be changing, though, and this is where I need your help making some decisions.

First, let's talk the Bonded series. It's my epic, and it's all free. I don't plan on changing the free status, but the series has kind of stagnated over the years. I never edited/reworked the older stories, I just left them in a state of limbo to be found by whoever was brave enough to search for them. I tried to restart the series on Kindle Vella, but ran afoul of their "ONLY AMAZON FUCK YOU" censors. Fine, Vella isn't an option, but I need to do something with these books because a) they're awesome, and b) they're a ton of work just sitting there not helping me in any way. 

So, I want to start them up on a serial site...or two. I'm thinking two posts a week, maybe on Wattpad and Royal Road, and slowly work my way through the entire series so that I can gain new readers. For people who want to read ahead, I'll offer a week or two in advance on my Patreon (or wherever I end up running my subscription service) and they can get it that way.

I plan to edit them--not professionally, not yet, but a self edit to clean them up--and ensure consistency between books as best I can. I'll also keep posting Chelen City for you faithful darlins who have followed me through this whole, enormous series...probably not here for much longer, though, so hopefully you'll follow me wherever I end up. It'll be free, I promise you that!

So, my questions: where would you read the Bonded stories (soon to be known as the Liminal Space series) if I put them up on serial fiction sites? Do you have suggestions for a new home for the blog? Are any of you interested in getting in on my subscription, where I will be putting every single one of my *counts in head* FOUR running serial stories, good god. Or at least three--I have to make sure Vella won't break my back.

Please comment or email me! Find me at, I really want your feedback here, babes.

In other news, here's my writing partner taking up my entiiiire seat all by himself. Smug, isn't he?

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