
Monday, December 26, 2022

Notes on stories and what to expect next!

 Hi darlins!

Just a quick update to let you know that I'm alive (Christmas is a blur of presents and food, oy) and will be posting the next-to-last chapter of Cloverleaf Station tomorrow. Yes, we're almost to the end! Very exciting :) And as for what comes next...

Well, I had a lot of ideas and was reminded of a whole lot more I could write about, but then I wrote tomorrow's chapter. And tomorrow's chapter kind of opens a whole can of worms that I want to dig into, so the next story--probably novella-length--is going to be a continuation of this one, from the perspective of Elanus. We're going to have him dealing with the refugees, handling the repercussions of killing his former business partner, trying to hide sentient tweenage ships that really don't want to be hidden, keeping his business running, and quite importantly, keeping his lover from falling apart.

Why would Kieron be falling apart? Read tomorrow and find out!

So yes, that's what the blog holds next. For fans of Cloverleaf, this is surely good news. For those who aren't fans...I'm sorry! I've got more content coming on Radish (M/M urban fantasy this time, I post as Cari Z there), a continuing exclusive Patreon story, and a newsletter story I have yet to decide on but apparently it's going to be about dragons, so possibly set in the Luckless world. This is in addition to all the other books I'm writing, because I'm a little bit mad, so! Links below if you're interested, otherwise you get two more chapters of Cloverleaf Station and then--Chelen City.


Radish: (it's an app)


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