
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Happy Holidays and best wishes!

 Hi Darlins!'s been a weird few days. My parents were part of an evacuation due to a wildfire near their home. It was lifted this morning, but it's put everything on delay, including all my writing. Plus it's my week to look after my kidlet while my man works (we're switching next week), and we're getting ready to have temperatures plunge to a thirty-year low in another day, and I just...haven't written. Anything.

But! We all need a break sometime, and I hope you get one as well. I'll finish up Cloverleaf Station (for now) over the next few weeks, and then we'll start on a new adventure. I wish you a very happy holiday season, and I hope you're safe and healthy and happy. I appreciate you all so much. Thanks for hanging in there with me on this blog <3


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