
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Writing and Life and Stuff

Oh boy, April is here! April...oh my god, April is here already? *looks at calendar* Holy shit!

March was the month of finishing Soothsayer, and writing the sequel--which right now is super rough and in need of much love--to my supervillain story Where There's Smoke, which comes out this month. April is dedicated to revising said sequel, querying my novel Tempest, planning my writing project for May, giving you Academy vignettes here on the blog AND...writing my Goodreads M/M story. I just nailed down the title, which funnily enough helped me nail down the plot and structure of the darn thing, so I'll be off and running in a few days. I also got cover art for my Dreamspinner story In Memoriam, which is gorgeous, so here's me happy :)

April should be the month we learn whether or not my man's going to get his dream job. If I could cross my fingers any harder I'd break them.

April is also the month that we fly to...wait for it...Japan for vacation! Not to the main island, but down to Kyushu. We have a friend from the Peace Corps living near Fukuoka, and she offered us a place to stay and her help with getting around during our trip, so how could we say no? I've never been anywhere in Asia before, I'm ridiculously excited.

Has anyone reading this been to Japan? Got any suggestions for me? We're probably not going to go to Tokyo, we prefer to hang out with our friend and see things closer to where she lives, but any recs would be helpful.

April could be amazing. I'm hoping it will be :)


  1. My fingers will be crossed that you have an amazing April!

    Never been to Japan but my suggestion is still going to be EAT ALL THE YUMMY FOOD!!!

  2. My daughter is moving back to Japan in...5 days. I'll miss her. She says you'll just be missing the cherry blossoms in southern Japan, but you could still catch them if you went North. There are websites that tell you where the blossoms are happening.
    A lot of people like Osaka and Kyoto. Kyoto is all history and shrines. Osaka kinda has more of a music scene and is laid back.
    Onsen are a must do, but if you have tats they may kick you out. Check first to see if they're foreigner friendly and allow tattoos. Kyushu is famous for onsen.
    The bullet train is worth riding if you need to get somewhere, but it's not all that amazing. You don't really notice the speed.
    Get to a shrine, an onsen (if you can), a castle and eat ramen. Japan has a lot of neat restaurants down dark alleys. I'm sure your friend will have plenty of suggestions. Have a great time and of course, take pics :) Oh and hell, eat some Japanese curry for me. My fave!

    1. Back to Japan, wow...what does she do there?

      I'm bummed we're missing the cherry blossoms, but there is a castle on the docket already. I don't have tats, so onsen won't be a problem. I'd love to see a shrine!

      Japanese curry--got it ;)

  3. Your April definitely sounds like it'll be amazing :-)

    And here's two more sets of fingers (and toes) crossed for your boy's dream job! Good luck!

    1. Thank you! No news yet, but at least it isn't a no :/
