
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Soothsayer Ch. 15 Pt. 2

Notes: Okay, explanation time! God, I hope this all makes sense. This story has been a bit of a "fly by the seat of my pants" experience, but I hope you enjoy having some resolution. I think all I need to throw in there at this point is an epilogue, and then we're done! And yes, it needs a sequel for things to really be wrapped up, but I'm doing the best I can with the setup I've got. So...enjoy!

Title: Soothsayer Chapter 15, Part Two.


“All’s fair in love and war.”

                The first thing I felt—and some little part of me was incredibly pleased to be feeling anything, I remembered enough to be sure of that—as I began to wake up was a fairly hard slap across the cheek. Not quite hard enough to make my head turn on the pillow, but it definitely wasn’t a friendly caress. I groaned and slowly blinked my eyes open.

                “Ah good, you’re awake. You fucking fool.”

                That wasn’t Sören’s voice. That was… “Jakob?” I asked hoarsely.


                “Where’s Sören?”


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  2. Oh yes I can understand Soren's upset with Cillian, but you are going to let us see their resolution, right? :)

    This turned out brilliantly. Jakob is pretty cool, and Andre is just so..."I don't even wanna know. " Love that. But mostly I love Cillian's trust in fate. He didn't know how it would turn out, and had you allowed him to see/know his own future it wouldn't have been nearly so cool. But by trusting that fate would be what it is and be how things were meant to be is very fitting for his character. I love Cillian. Thanks do much for what you did with him ��

    Love, love, love this story.


  3. Lisa ArbitraryMarch 24, 2015 at 12:58 PM
    Oh yes I can understand Soren's upset with Cillian, but you are going to let us see their resolution, right? :)

    This turned out brilliantly. Jakob is pretty cool, and Andre is just so..."I don't even wanna know. " Love that. But mostly I love Cillian's trust in fate. He didn't know how it would turn out, and had you allowed him to see/know his own future it wouldn't have been nearly so cool. But by trusting that fate would be what it is and be how things were meant to be is very fitting for his character. I love Cillian. Thanks so much for what you did with him.

    Love, love, love this story.
    <3 <3 <3

    1. Hi Lisa!

      I will totally give you some resolution, of course I will. If not an HEA, then an HFN, because I have to. Thank you for the compliments! I know there are errors within, but I thought the story turned out interesting overall. I love Cillian too, thanks again for the prompt ;)

  4. Where'd the pillow come from in the office? And was Cillian on the floor, or a sofa? Little things like that torture me. :0)

    Welp, I'm bummed Soren didn't get free. I guess Cillian will stay in Texas once he moves the land there, and become the companion of Soren +1? I hope the human part gets to come out more. Oy, what a sad ending. But, everyone lived ...

    1. Hi gee

      Well damn, now it's bugging me. *stares at office floor plan in head*

      Nope, no freedom! I was never able to think about this story in terms of an HEA, it's urban fantasy after all, but I hope the epilogue will resolve a few things for you. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! The stuff I post in the month of April will be much fluffier.

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  6. Yay fluff! Not that I didn't enjoy Soothsayer, but there's always room in life for a bit of fluff. (Or rough - I'm not particular :-) )
