
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Soothsayer Ch. 12, Pt. 1

Notes: Okay, picking up where we left off...sorry for the delay in posting, my work schedule was crazy this morning. Also, I got a request for another Cody/Ten vignette and it's been too long, so look for one of those later this week! Thanks for reading, darlins! 

PS--thanks for the recs too, I'll get back to you on those but I'm definitely doing some buying this week ;)

Title: Soothsayer Chapter 12, Part 1.


“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

                It took us two days to get through Missouri, Oklahoma, a sliver of Texas and finally end up in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Two days for what should have been a fourteen-hour drive, because ha-fucking-ha, there was no way I should have expected Sören to sit in the passenger seat and play with the Nintendo. No. He preferred to Google bad roadside attractions with his phone and then compel me to go there by bitching non-stop, or occasionally just staring at me with cloudy purple eyes until I gave in. Not that I could give in, because—hello—no distinguishing locations, which led to several arguments before he gave up.

“Next time,” I swore to him, “after we’re not being hunted down by your dad’s soothsayer, I’ll let you plan a road trip and we’ll waste time all over the country, but for now we just can’t. Not if we don’t want your brothers crashing the party.” I let him read to me about them as a poor substitute for seeing them in person.



  1. Ooh, this is getting so twisty and turny, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back and re-read...
    And did I hear mention of a new Cody/Ten vignette? Happy very early birthday present, Batman! :-)

    1. The vignette is coming, my schedule has been insane, but when it does come I hope you enjoy. And I know, so twisty, so's about to get even more so, my brain better not lock up.

  2. hi, Cari:

    Every day I´m surprised more of your talent. Although I lost part of the story for my poor knowledge of english,I really enjoy with it.

    Thanks :)

    1. Thank you Maria! Hope you like the next part too.

  3. Replies
    1. The panic gives it all away :) The next few parts are going to get crazy, so there'll be plenty of panic to go around.
