
Friday, January 30, 2015

I Need Some Recs!

Hiiiii guys.

So here we are, last few days of January, kicking off the new year, writing and working and all that lovely stuff...and I decided to do the Goodreads challenge this year. I set my sights on 75 books, which is entirely doable, and then I started going through my TBR shelf and--oh my god. It's huge. Intimidatingly huge. I don't know where to start and nothing is jumping out at me, so I'm kicking the ball at you guys.

I'm looking for recs! Am I looking at M/M stuff? Absolutely, particularly stories with a military aspect or really interesting, non-traumatizing contemporaries. I just read Catch A Ghost, which I feel has kind of become one of those "everybody reads it" books in the genre, and it was good, really well written but at the same time I was like, "Oh my god, can we shoehorn in any more action and insinuation and potential trauma?" Two alpha males battling for supremacy...I'd really like to see a friendly, non-assholish guy fucking take everybody out sometime, y'know? Maybe I'll write that. Beta dude kicks everyone's ass and then hands out ice packs. This doesn't mean I won't be reading the sequel, but I'd like something else in-between.

Aaanyway...interesting contemporaries too, something you really liked but not too much angst. I love Amy Lane too, but I want to reel it in a bit. I'm going to work on a contemporary myself soon, and it's my weakest genre, so...yeah, show me what you like.

Also, I'm reading Of Mice And Men, and I want to read Radical, so honestly, any book you find particularly awesome I'm open to. I want to not do what I always do this year, sticking with paranormal everything.


  1. River Jaymes' The Boyfriend Mandate. Read it. Loved it. Worth a read. Read the blurb... Sounds like it might fit the bill for what you're looking for.

    1. I should mention that it's a sequel to The Backup Boyfriend in case anyone wonders. I think you told me you read the first one. It is helpful but not necessary to read that one before this one.

  2. I don't know if you've already read them, but two of my favourites that spring to mind are How to Train Your Dom by Josephine Myles - an easy read (and lots of Bath-based fun!), nice and kinky but plenty of giggles too; and The Scientific Method by Kris Ripper - much kinkier but an equally easy read, and the series is up to about ten now, should you get hooked :-)

  3. You've probably rad them, but I love Rhys Ford's Sinners series.! and Mary Calmes' Matter of Time. Happy reading! :o)

  4. I know you're familiar with L.M. Somerton. She's got 5 Tales From the Edge romantic suspense M/M BDSM stories in print, as well as her Investigating Love romantic suspense series. These are available from Totally Bound. Otherwise my rec's are basically M/F (such as Jayne Ann Krentz's latest) or paranormals / scifi from authors such as KJ Charles, Lexi Ander and Charlie Cochet. Good luck on the rec's and I'll be checking back to update my TBR list too!

  5. Lexi Ander - scifi

    Alpha Trine:

    Charlie Cochet - shifters
    Several books in this series:

    Bailey Bradford - shifters and cowboys
    Southwestern series:

  6. If you're looking for a lesbian post-apocalyptic with darker themes and zombies... I can honestly recommend Dead Heat by Ren Thompson. I was shocked into liking it, even though it's SO outside my norm:

    I haven't been too terribly active reading in the LGBTQ genre the last few months (I've been catching up on a few popular books that have been out for a LONG time like The Vampire Diaries and The Hunger Games...) So, I'm not really much help on the contemporary front. If I hear of anything awesome, though, I'll send it your way!

  7. Dana Marie Bell. I love all every series she's writing, there is some M/M and M/F/M. And my new addiction is G. A. Aiken's Dragon Lord series. It keeps making me laugh out loud, giving away that I'm reading instead of working!! -Kat
