
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 3, Pt. 1

Notes: Onward! And I also get to share the artwork with you, yay! I love this picture of Cillian, done by the exceptional Felixandria/Alex: find her work here:  It's obviously Cillian on a better day than the one he just had, but I love the sense of movement she imbued him with.  Next time around I should have another picture done by a different artist. I'm working my way through the cast :)

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter 3, Part 1


“No friendship is an accident.” – O. Henry, Heart of the West

It wasn’t the impact of the bullet that knocked me over; it was me trying to move too quickly on the slippery, glass-covered mess of a floor. My shoes were pretty things, but the tread had worn away long ago. The bullet hit my arm, I jerked and slid and wound up flat on my ass, and after that, well…things got a little hazy for a bit.

I’d never been shot before. Beaten until I was nothing but red blood over purple bruises, burned more than once with the business end of a cigarette, slashed with everything from chicken wire to Bowie knives, I was well acquainted with the sight of my own blood. But being shot was novel, and I stared in surprise at the perfectly round hole in my shirt, just above and outside of my elbow, as it slowly changed from white to red. Gravity pulled the blood down, staining my sleeve in pretty patterns like some perverse Rorschach card, and I just stared and ignored the sudden furor around me, people yelling and Phin bellowing like a bull, and I didn’t feel anything at all until long fingers turned my head and Roger’s blurry face swam into focus.


  1. Oh wow! Nicely done, Cari! ACE of cups...hahahaha! But hmmm...a married cowboy/ex-medic/gambler/businessman that seems thoroughly...Nice...increasingly interesting! As if Cillian wasn't interesting enough! ;)
    So I'm going to guess, though this one is tough and could take several paths, that Cowboy is the face at the end. He's going to become a main character soon. And Cillian is going to complain to his mother that she kept him from being creamed by a car, but not from being SHOT. Lmao.
    Marisol, hmm. I haven't got enough info for her yet. She's a wildcard though!
    Loving the new story! Great work!


    1. Hi baby!

      Yeah, we're getting more and more complicated here, I'm just trying to keep it all straight in my head. Cillian and his mom...they're super complicated all on their own, much less all the other people. But it's going to be fun!


    2. Oh geez! After reading the comments below, i had to go back and reread from the beginning. How in all hells did i miss the several references before to HIM?? Ugh. So no, face isnt cowboy, im an idiot. Lmao! I missed several things along the way, what with you sneaking little things in amongst the rest. ;) i have to learn to slow down a bit if im not gonna miss little hidden clues again! Very nice!

    3. You're not an idiot, scotrik. Cari added a lot of intricacies in this piece, as she does. There is a lot going on. I may have just had a little insight because I knew there'd be a "him" added in from the beginning.

      Now, lets juice things up a bit. Maybe Cowboy and Marisol? :P

    4. Or duh!!! Marisol and Phin? Damn, he's hot.

    5. Scottie--it's hard to keep track of everything when you have to read it in serial format, do don't feel bad for missing a hint here and there. I have a hard time remembering it all, honestly! I've got a guardian angel helping me keep it all straight :)

      Lisa--Marisol and Phin! Whew, could be too hot to handle. I've got a custom drawing of Marisol to go up next week, I think you'll like it.

  2. Another mention of the mysterious "him"! I am dying to know who "him" is. I have my suspicions so I will wait to see if I am right. (I'm probably not. lol)

    I don't know what to make of Roger but having friends in high places can definitely come in handy at times :-)

    The artwork is awesome!!

    1. "He" is coming, and "he" will be...huh, we'll see, won't we?

      I'm glad you like the art! I loved it.

  3. Amazing artwork.

    Like Tiffany, I'm dying to find out who "him" is. One of the bodyguards looks familiar? Could Ace Industries have something to do with bodyguards in military fatigues?

    Great installment as always. I can't wait to see where this story goes!

    1. Hi Lynette!

      Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. And the story, too:) We'll see how it goes, darlin'.


  4. What a great picture!
    It's getting properly interesting now - I'm enjoying this. And I like Roger, which makes me wonder if he... But, then again... Hmmm... :-)

    1. Thanks, I thought so too! And Roger will definitely play a part, but I don't have it all hammered out yet. I'm getting some help on that, thank god.


  5. Oh wow! This is the best yet. First, Alex's graphic is perfect, I love the all the tattoos.

    Phin and Roger are great. I can picture Roger so clearly. I'm not sure what to think about Phin (he's hot, btw) letting it slip about Cillian' s talent though, that's not something Roger is not likely to forget.

    The "familiar" fatigue guy is intriguing and the fade to black face is just delightfully freaky! He's the one guy, from the prompt, that Cillian couldn't "see", right?

    Anyways thanks for the brawl scene and this follow up, I'm really glad you took this path :)

    1. Hi Lisa!

      I loved that graphic too, he looks so freaking cool. Plus the tattoos, the artist actually visited and read the story to pick out the details.

      I'm going to have fun with Roger. How, I'm not entirely sure yet, but I will.

      He is the guy from the prompt! And he is so complicated, oy, I've got to make some timelines before I write the next part. I'm loving this, though!

  6. I love complicated, but I feel like I should apologize to you for it :P You're doing a great, great job Cari.

    1. I accept your apology. *grins* I'm trying to keep it going strong, I'll do my best.
