
Friday, September 26, 2014

For The Love Of...Rant Ahead!

Life reels and twists and goes through its crazy turns, and ours has been doing that lately. Like, holy shit, what is this? Readers beware, the following is nothing but a real life rant which has nothing to do with my stories, feel free to skip it, I'm really not that interesting. :)

My man has been a house husband for the past month while waiting for a new contract to come through--we've been living off our savings and my salary (hahahahaha, mostly our savings). He did all the cooking and cleaning and was generally lovely, but he also got stir crazy and his shop started to slowly take over the living room, so when the contract finally turned up we were both happy. Then things at work went hectic: he got a potential new job offer for a real federal position and we weren't sure if he'd be able to sign his brand-new, amazing contract. Cue sleepless night! Then it all worked out, thanks to the fact that the place he works doesn't require him to sign anything because the word "contract" is apparently actually non-binding in their particular circumstances, for both sides.Which means they could screw him over, but they also can't keep him on the hook for the work if he gets a better job offer.

So, mostly yay but also lots of temporary angst. Also, I just did the first round of copy edits on my short story for Riptide and realized I have so, SO much work to still do with myself and my writing. I tend to think I write pretty clean and both my editors agreed, but I didn't go more than 2 paragraphs with this one without a multitude of things to change/improve. It's good for me, but goddamn. I need to be better. I'm trying.

I'm going to go pick up my bridesmaid's dress tomorrow. It's for my sister's wedding, so I will wear this grey (they call it "mercury," I call it "grey"), strapless, frou-frou, frothy dress for her. I literally can't remember the last time I wore a dress, but here I go. I will also fly myself to Chicago to throw her a bachelorette party (with the help of her future sister-in-law who is amazing, I'm such shit at planning parties), I will live in the same house as my parents and brother and sister-in-law and their baby for weeks to accommodate her, and once she's married I am NEVER doing this crap again. Seriously, oh my god, why does this have to be so complicated? Why are there so many traditions to be upheld? I've never been more grateful for my tiny wedding in all my life. My mother actually bought my sister a sixpence, her "something old" for the wedding. Know what my mom bought me for my wedding? Booze for the guests, and flowers for the tables, and that was it. And it was plenty.

I also just had my year-end review at work, which went well as always but has left me so burned out, so...sorry for this rant! I just had to get it all out and I thought a few people might be interested in what I'm up to right now. Happy weekend, guys, go relax and be happy. Have a drink for me, get a massage, go for a hike, be wonderful. I love you. I've had a glass or two of wine. I still love you, but take me with a grain of salt.


  1. Aw hun!! Big *big* hugs from a B&B outside Vegas (no, we drove straight past - not our thing at all!)
    I shall shortly be enjoying pizza and beer - consider me sharing it with you in sympathy :-)

    1. Hmm, Vegas, not my scene either. Whereas beer and pizza definitely is! Oh man, now I'm so hungry...

  2. Weddings can get so needlessly complicated. My hubs and I did a loosely traditional wedding. We were in a church, had flowers and a reception but other than that we didn't buy into the rest of it. No something borrowed, something blue crap. It just wasn't for us. You're really a saint for suffering through it for your sis.

    Wine FTW. Get your drink on girl!

    1. Hear hear. I had a Black Velvet with lunch and it was awesome.


  3. Rant away; everyone needs to sometimes. Weddings will do that to a person, aside from the other stresses in your life.

    Weddings have gotten completely out of hand. They cost a fortune and now they have themes. Really? I thought the theme of a wedding was two people in love getting married. Silly me.

    1. Oh Avid...I totally agree. This is the first one in our family to have very serious religious overtones--the groom's family are Roman Catholics, with one of the uncles as an actual priest. There's so much ritual involved, and then my mom gets jealous and wants to put her stamp on things too so we end up doing weird bonding traditions, and...I'm just glad my sister can handle it. I wouldn't enjoy being the focus of this much attention for what is, essentially, one day in the rest of the live you'll have to work at and enjoy together.

  4. The best wedding I ever went to was in a tiny Oregon orchard, where we shared snacks on blankets and held hands and watch two wonderful people say lovely words to each other. It was about that simple...and that memorable. I couldn't tell you details about any other wedding I've attended, but that one stuck.

    Ahh, the simple things.

    Something tells me though, you'll peek back at this post in 10 years and be so delighted by it and realize what a lively time it was in your life.

    For now: A friend gave me some homemade blackberry brandy last night **passing some to Cari - Happy Saturday!

    1. Blackberry brandy sounds amazing! I'm sipping it in my head right now...

      That wedding sounds lovely, and i know this time shall pass and life will settle and I'll be happy to have had it all, but being in the middle of it is definitely a little intimidating.

      Happy Saturday to you!
