
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 2, Pt. 1

Notes: On to Chapter Two, where we meet someone new. Kind of. I'm building to the first big thing, guys, never fear, we'll get to the jumping off point with the next part. Until then, enjoy Cillian and his way of looking at the world, and also the included picture of him because I can't resist and wouldn't want to anyway. Not my pic, no rights, not claiming it, etc.

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter Two, Part One

“Whatever love laws have to be broken, the first few seconds suffice. After that everything is a matter of time and incident.” – Amruta Patil, Kari

The alley behind the store was just wide enough for a decent-sized truck to drive down its cracked concrete, tufted here and there with surprisingly green weeds—it had been a wet summer so far. I leaned against the brick wall, tapped a cigarette out of the pack and pulled my lighter out of my pocket. The burn of the smoke in my lungs soothed me a little, distracting my mind with nicotine and giving my hands something to do that wasn’t crawling after fistfuls of imaginary pennies. I smiled to myself and shut my eyes, tilted my head back and blew the smoke toward the sky. It could have been worse. Once I’d read a murderer who liked to decapitate his victims with a butcher knife; I hadn’t trusted myself in the kitchen for a fucking week after that, cutlery kept finding its way into my hands without me realizing it.


  1. Ooohhh i really like this chapter! A text from mom hahahaha! Perfect! Extremely impressed with how this story is going, Cari! :) I cant even imagine the number of possibilities where you can take this story!


    1. Hi Scottie!

      I hope to keep people guessing with this one for a while. You've all pretty much got my sci-fi stories down, so maybe I'll have more luck surprising you with UF ;)


  2. This is getting really intriguing can't wait to read more.

    1. Sweet! More soon, but in the meantime I'll put a vignette together for you. #ICare:)

    2. Oooooooh yes please. Will it be the boys from the Acadamy?

    3. Thats great. I will look forward to it. :-)

  3. I think that it's not your plots we figure our, it's the characters. You give them a real "feel" and true personalities, so we can say "well, in real life, a person like this could very well...", and because you make them so real, sometimes your readers are right. That's why we love your characters so much...because they could be real people! You give them such life, so much personality, and that is a wonderful thing for a writer. Most writers only give life to the story, where you go beyond that and give life to the story and each character. You and Night Tempest are my absolute favorite writers for this very reason. I adore your work, and appreciate how much time and effort you put into your characters!


    1. Aw, Scottie, thanks! I try with them, I'd like to not be cliche when I can help it. You reading makes me want to write more, so you get my back and I'll get yours, honey:)

  4. I was just saying over on GR this exact thing, Cari.

    "I think your magic, Cari, is in making pnr/fantasy almost a little too real. It makes me take a look at the guy next to me and wonder if he's "special.""

    Scott hits the nail on the head. It's why I love to read you too. OH, and UF, duh :)

    1. UF for the win! It's probably my favorite genre to write, with science fiction coming in right behind. Thanks for the GR comment, hon, I'm so glad you're following along and enjoying.
