
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

RMFW and an upcoming Academy vignette

Hi guys!

Soooo...a few things to discuss. One, I went to the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's conference over the weekend, which was pretty awesome. I did a round table critique of the first ten pages of my epic fantasy, which was brutally helpful, helmed by J. Ellen Smith who runs the publishing house Champagne Books. Well, at least she asked to see it once I've made changes. Positive sign!

I met some amazing authors, sat in for classes taught by Carol Berg (who writes her own incredible epic fantasy, look her up if you're at all interested, she's fantastic) and Susan Spann (ninja mysteries set in the 16th century, cool as hell) among others. I also got together with some other members of the Out In Colorado writing group who decided that, fun as these classes are, it would be nice to have a workshop on writing queer characters for authors, because there was no talk at all of LGBTQA people/issues. A lot of the workshops were run by romance authors who by in large had very binary mindsets, ie cis males and cis females. So we've decided to put together our own class and try to get it approved for next year's conference, because this is a contemporary issue and one authors need to be informed on. So, there's that.

Soothsayer is coming along pretty well, but I got a request from one of my favorite people to write a Cody/Ten update, and I think it's about time for one of those. I'll try to get it out by tomorrow. Not sure exactly what it's going to be about, but I will come up with something! Because you guys deserve the best, right? Right.

I did a class on reaching out to new readers and social media and etc. etc. etc., and one of their recommendations was to be free to give without expectation of return. It's a very good karma kind of thing, and I'm feeling like I've got that down. :)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. You are one of most generous authors I follow so you've definitely got the giving freely thing down. Even when your life is extremely busy or you're injured, you look out for us. It's very clear that you value and appreciate your fans. I hope you know that the feeling is totally mutual.

    Definitely looking forward to the Cody/Ten update. I've missed those guys!

    1. Aw, Lynette. Gosh. I'm so glad you feel it back. I do appreciate you guys, immensely, and I'm not as savvy as some authors at showing it (giveaways contests, artwork etc) but I do what is most comfortable for me and am happy when people get into it, Thanks for brightening my day, darlin.

  2. You are one of the most giving authors. Every week you post a new chapter and, when you don't, you let us know. You respond to our comments, which is more than many authors do. And most importantly, you have give us your wonderful stories and amazing characters without any recompense. Thank you. And I really look forward to an Academy vignette.

    1. Thanks, Avid :) Honestly, you guys enhance my writing experience so much, it's hard for me to put into words how much better it is when I know someone else is following along, caring about the same things I do. So from me to you, I appreciate it, and you.

