
Monday, February 4, 2013

Coming Soon!

Hi darlins!

I know, you're waiting for more Love Letters; never fear, it's coming tomorrow.  I just want to remind you about a few other things in the works.

First, The Captain as an ebook.  I've contacted a cover artist about doing work for it and am waiting to hear back.  I have never wished so bad that I had more than a passing acquaintance with Photoshop.  New goal for this year: learn how to make my own damn covers.  I'm also considering getting it professionally edited, because, well, if you're going to pay for it it should be the best it can be.  Once I have more success with this, I'll let you know.

Second, I got permission from one of the people who bought a fic from me for the Hurricane Sandy auction that I could post what I wrote for other people to read.  It's a little interlude set in the Changing Worlds universe, just before Jason and Ferran leave Perelan to start their new mission.  I'll be offering it up for your reading pleasure soon:)

Third, speaking of the Sandy Auction, the two authors (MJ O'Shea and Piper Vaughn) who organized it are running a contest on their blog right now.  It's the easiest contest in the world to enter, just leave a comment, and there are a huge number of prizes on offer.  Huge.  Like, astonishingly so, you should go and look just to see the enormouse pile of swag.  There are ways to get multiple entries too, and the contest doesn't end until Valentine's Day, so check it out here: 2nd Annual Valentine's Day Lovefest.

Last, the first episode of my serial novel with Storm Moon Press will be available this Friday.  Yay!  Quick blurb for Cambion: Devon Harper has struggled his entire life to control his incubus powers. Now that control faces its ultimate test when a demon sets his sights on escaping Hell using Devon as the doorway!

If you think it's the sort of thing you're going to want to read all of, you can get a season pass at a discount right now; that includes around 90k words in the actual book and extras in the form of deleted scenes, side character stories, etc.  If you're not sure, then you can just wait until Friday and get the first episode for just 99 cents, which, for 15k words, is pretty freaking affordable.  Here's the link to buy or find out more: Cambion Season One: Dark Around The Edges.

Now to finish Love Letters, which I'm really enjoying, but have to plan out before writing.  Wasn't an issue with Pandora or Paradise.  Sci fi is my brain's natural resting state:)