
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Palliative Care

Me to husband: Ugh, I've got a cold.

Husband to me: I will fix you! *draws a hot bath, makes me homemade ginger, licorice and elderflower tea (which I hate but drink for him) gets me decongestants, fluffs up my pillows*  There you go!  Feel better?

Me to husband:  Kind of.  Not really.  But thank you.

Husband to me: ...okay then, I'm going to go play video games.

I've got to give him credit: he doesn't hover once he's done all he thinks he can do.  When I'm laid up in bed-- well, as long as I'm as comfy as possible, he's got a date with StarCraft.  See you later, honey.  Try not to breathe on my pillow.  I love him, he's awesome, and his penchant for fixing things--whatever they may be--doesn't quite rise to the level of kink, so.  That's me right now.  How's your evening?


  1. Aww he's sweet! Hope you feel better soon hun. (Concentrating real hard) get well get well get well get well
    All the positive energy I can spare comin your way!

    1. Thanks, Scottie, I'm getting there:) I'll take all the positive energy I can get.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. You're lucky he's that attentive since a lot of men want to be waited on even when their wives are sick.

    1. I am pretty lucky. Although when he's sick, you'd better believe I'm on pampering duty:)

  3. My husband makes a good nurse for me when I'm sick but he tends to hover which drives me crazy after a short time. :-) Gotta love him though.

    Feel better soon, lady!

    1. Thanks, darlin, I'm sure I will. And yeah, husbands...gotta love them:)

  4. Me: Sneeze, blow my nose, groan in agony
    The cat: ears back, runs from room thinking "I thought I knew you, but you're making strange sounds/stay away from me sicky..."

    1. It makes me glad I don't have pets, I wouldn't want to traumatize them with my illness:)

  5. Get well. I tend to go hide when I'm sick. Occasionally the children help me, and sometimes I don't have to ask. :)

    1. What lovely children! I'm much better, too, so that helps with my equanimity today:)

  6. G'Day, It is nice to know you are well enough to tell us how sick you are.I hope it doesn't last very long.
    It has been said that with proper treatment a cold can be attended to in a fortnight.
    If you let it go it's normal course it will be gone in 14 days.
    Yes, that's what I thought too.
    Take care
    On to more important subjects;- Where do I find you newer stories? Literotica has all the older ones I have read and they, specifically, "The Captain", is what sucked me in to reading your ( bloody good)stuff.
    When you have time, "call" me:-

    1. Hi Pete

      My newer stories that are free and not yet on Lit are the ones you can find here on my blog; Paradise is the only one I haven't crossposted yet. Thanks!
