
Monday, August 20, 2012

HAPPYFUNTIMES!!! (re: reviews:)

There's been a brief but brilliant cascade of awesome reviews for some of my stuff lately, and I want to share them with you here, because if you're on the fence about a story I want to tip you off it (onto the soft and gentle side, of course!) and if you need a reason to recommend a story to a friend, these might do it for you.  Thank you to the reviewers, you are all.  So.  Cool. 

All reviews are helpful, but really good ones are, you know how it is when you're really, really happy and your frail self can't contain it and you shout it to the ceiling/sky/door/clock/computer/husband's face, and you get funny looks but you just don't care?  Yeah.  Kind of like that.

The first two are for my story Reclaimed, the last one in the Treasured trilogy (which is now a collection, btw, called Pursued).  It rounds out the story of Daniel and Rhys, in what I hope is a satisfying way.

It was reviewed by Jenre, here: Well Read: Review: Reclaimed.  And here's a highlight:

At about 22,000 words, this isn't a long book. It does, however, round off the series in a very satisfactory manner and I waved off these characters into their HEA feeling that I was pleased to have known them. Those of you who have read the other books in this series will, like me, be keen to see the end.

The other review for it came from Sensual Reads, here: SensualReads Reclaimed Review.

Beautifully written with two magnificent heroes, Reclaimed shows love can save the day. Reclaimed will also have you on the edge of your seat as the plot unfolds and we cannot be sure what will happen next. Great job for Cari Z.

And just now, like 5 minutes ago, I learned that Alex at Between The Covers reviewed Changing Worlds, which if you know me you know is my baby, my longest published work so far.  And it rocks.  Rocks!

You can find it here: Between The Covers: Changing Worlds Review.  Highlight!!!

Having enjoyed the short story that this novel expands on, I was excited to hear that Ferran and Jason's story continued. And, for the benefit of people who hadn't read the first story, it's included in the beginning of the novel. (Two for the price of one!) I had already read it, but I re-read it, despite everything being explained in the novel itself (for those who choose to skip reading or re-reading the short). I was reminded how much I enjoyed the short, and with its happy ending, it was almost difficult to begin the novel, knowing there would be challenges in their future.

But I did, and I'm glad I did. A majority of the story is rather calm, action-wise, but it's tense in the relationship and political quandaries that arise. The last few chapters are incredibly compelling, and I eagerly ate through them. A great exploration of different cultures, xenophobia, and what really is the last great frontier--love. Oh, I mean space.


  1. Congrats on getting so many good reviews! I'm a big fan of Changing Worlds.

    Originally, I wasn't too interested in your Treasury stories due to Rhys being a dishonest thief. But in reading the trilogy's reviews, I'm interested to see how that big conflict turns out for the characters.

    1. Hi Jbst!

      I'm so glad you liked the big one, that makes me a happy girl:) I think you might like the last one in the Treasured series, it doesn't take the bad-guy aspect of Rhys for granted and brings things to a head, at last. But if it isn't your thing, I totally get it. Thanks for visiting me here!


  2. Bravo, Cari!! Its always nice to have your friends (like us regular readers) tell you how fabulous you are, but its doubly nice to have random strangers compliment your work!! When I get some extra time (I'm a bit short on that lately), I'll have to give you my review of the Treasured series :-)

    The best thing about reviews is that they inspire you to improve your craft and KEEP WRITING!!! Keep up the hard work. We all appreciate you for all you do to give us your fabulous stories :-)

    1. Stranger reviews are like icing, but you guys are the cake. Moist, delicious, filthy good cake. I appreciate you right back, girl, and god, you're a teacher, you get double appreciation!

      I'll try to keep up the good work. You all inspire me to try harder:)
