
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Busty in a Bad Way

Bad news, darlins.  Well, inconvenient, at least.

My laptop has decided not to accept being plugged in any longer.  No matter how I try, she won't charge.  At least not with the cord.  (I might--might--have cracked the casing of the plug's receptacle somehow by, oh, carrying it around a bit callously.  But that's no reason to stop working!) 

So now I need to get that repaired, and/or find an alternate way of charging the battery until a repair can be made.  Which translates to me kicking my man off his computer to write this (Dawn of War 2 can wait, dammit!) and also means I won't be writing as much or as quickly as I want to.  My priority is the next part of Paradise, but I've got other stuff I just need to do, with limited ways to do it. 

*Cue wailing cry of despair*   Nooooooooooooooooooooooo......

No, I'm sure it'll be fine.  Soon.  Fine soon!  *twitch--twitch*  So the laptop's a little busty right now, we can fix it.  Because we are such fixy fixers.  That, or I lose my mind and mug someone for their iPad.  Beware, bitches.  Beware.

So anyway, Happy Saturday:)


  1. Cari, I have no idea how old your laptop is, but mine is 2½ year old. I've had to replace both my battery and the charger (plug). I got both online through Amazon and they didn't cost very much. You might check this out before going through the expense of a repair.

    1. Mine is less than a year old, but I'm hard on the poor little bugger. I'm in the process of looking for a new charger plug, and appreciate the rec. Thanks, girl:)

  2. Also check eBay for new parts. My husband says PartsExpress is also a good company to buy computer parts from if you know what part is broken. Hope your technology woes are resolved soon!

    1. Oh, we found the broken part. My man soldered it back on, but it's a temp fix. I'm working on it, though. I'll definitely check out PartsExpress, thank you, Tiffany! And thank your man for me. Hope you're feeling better.
