
Monday, May 14, 2012

Release Day for Changing Worlds!

It's Release Week, yay!

Every week should be release week, it gets me so excited!


Okay, mind out of gutter, back to the not-quite-straight and narrow.  This week I have two new releases coming out:

Reclaimed from Pink Petal Books on Thursday the 17th, TODAY!!!, and you can find here:

This is the third novella in the Treasured series and features Daniel and Reese, two of my favorite boys, with a healthy helping of mistaken identity, miscommunication, close calls and, of course, mad hotness.  Because I can:)  It's a really fun novella, pretty long at almost 25k, and I try to make it readable for newcomers and loyalists alike.

The second new release is:

Changing Worlds from Storm Moon Press, the sequel to the short story Opening Worlds, on Friday the 18th.  You can find it here:

The cool part?  You get Opening Worlds included in the release, so new readers can get the whole picture and the rest of us have an easy reference if we need to look back.

This is a huge deal for me, my first novel ever!  It makes me want to overuse punctuation I'm so excited!!  The story picks up where Jason and Ferran left up, getting ready to go live on Perelan as the planet's very first interspecies couple, which for a place as xenophobic as Perelan promised to be challenging.  It's a sci fi, m/m, erotic, tender love story...with sword fights and shuttle crashes and carnivorous plants.  Score!

So what's the contest already, right?  It's very simple.  All you have to do is comment on this blog post.  Just say hi, tell me what's up and let me know which ebook you'd like from me.  If I pick your random number next Sunday (the contest closes on Saturday the 19th) then you get the book.  If you've already ordered them, then you get to pick something else I've written. 

The best thing?  The more commenters there are, the more copies I give away.  Five or less, one book.  More than five, two.  More than ten, three.  One lucky person will get both, because I'm a lover, baby:)

I'll post reminders for these books on Thursday and Friday, but the only post that counts for the contest is this one, so put your comment in here before you go and say hi to me there. 

Good luck!

PS-if you're looking for the latest part of Cinders, #9 is just one post down.


  1. Hi and congratulations! This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to read more of your work, I would love Changing Worlds, it sounds amazing! So does reclaimed, but the sci fi bit sounds fun. Anyway... You are awesome!

  2. Reclaimed, please!! And while I'm waiting, I'll go seek out the rest of the series...

  3. Congratulations on the releases; you must be so happy. I have a question. Maybe you covered this on your blog awhiles back and I didn't find it, but do you plan on publishing Bonded/Pandora? They are such great stories, they should be in print. Oh, and Changing Worlds, please.

  4. Hello stranger! I'm down for the contest but I have no preference. One way or another I will have them both soon! I love both these series :-)

  5. Loving your work and congratulations on the books! Found you through literotica and I'm loving the Cinders story too. Changing Worlds for me in the contest, please!
