
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Schedule of Events

Okay, contest over!  Only five commenters, so that should mean only one giveaway, but that would just be sad, so I'm doing two, and you each get both of the books.  Yay!  Random number generator says 2 and 5, so Ely and Booga Booga, email me at to get your stories.

If you didn't win, there are giveaways going on all week as well as interviews and excerpts.  I'll post the schedule of events below, in case you want to come visit these blogs and read my odd answers to questions:).  Come visit me!  The interviews are really fun:)

May 19th - It's Raining Men Interview: here!

May 20th - Bibrary Book Lust Interview: here!

May 21st - Top 2 Bottom Guest Post: here!

·         Topic: Building Blocks; or How to Have Fun Playing God, plus there's a review!  Apparently Gabbi liked it.  Read the review here if you're still on the shelf about the book: top2bottom review.
May 22nd - Pants Off Guest Post + Giveaway: here!  It's a giveaway too, guys, just comment for a chance at the ebook.

·         Topic: Sex with Aliens:  How Much Weird is Still Sexy?
May 23rd - Well Read Guest Post: here!  And it's another giveaway, and it's Jenre's blog, whom I adore, so go and visit and comment!  You could win me!  I mean, my book!

·         Topic: Romance or Science Fiction?
May 24th - Joyfully Jay Interview: here!  There's a review for Opening Worlds as well right below it, just in case you want another opinion on the short story that started this whole shindig. 

May 25th- Ebook Addict Reviews interview (it's fun, some very unique questions): here!

and finally - Storm Moon Press blog: here!  It's already out, come read what I have to say about the vaaast difference between short stories and novels.

·         Topic: Short Stories vs. Novels

*whew*  That was a lot to prepare for.  Mad props to SMP for working so hard to get me noticed, I love you guys:)  Now I'm off to finish the next part of Cinders.


  1. So I read Reclaimed before work- major hot hot hot, dreamy, and romantic. Then I treated myself to Opening Worlds after work, which made my semi-jaded heart flutter and may have sent me into a dream sequence...

    I've decided to save Changing Worlds for my next day off treat, otherwise none of those pesky Sunday night chores are going to get done.

    oh yeah, and ps, who said m/m erotica isn't educational- I had to look up a word: proprioception. Hello fancy pants big word in relation to man sex!!

    Woot woot!!

  2. Ely!!!

    I'm so glad you liked Reclaimed! And a dream sequence--nice, I hope there were no evil clowns in it.

    And yes, fancy words and man porn--the next one I try to include will be circumnambulate:) I'm such a syllable slut.

  3. You did a great job on all of your guest posts! How nice of SMP to coordinate all those blog appearances :-). I finished Changing Worlds last night, by the way, and if I weren't about to fall asleep I'd tell you all about what I detail. For now, I'll just! Just, so much...WOW! After I rest up I'll send you an email with a more thorough review. Goodnight!

    1. Hey, girl!

      Thanks, I tried hard to make those posts interesting. It was nice of SMP to coordinate that, seeing as I had no idea:) And I can't wait for your thoughts on CW!

      Sleep sweet.
