
Monday, April 30, 2012

Maggie Nash is hosting me today

Hi there!

Today I'm guest blogging for Maggie Nash.  Maggie is an awesome romance writer out of Australia, who graciously lets other people play on her site, so thank you, Maggie!  The topic is the difficulty I experienced wanting to provide too much background info when I wrote Changing Worlds, which if you've followed the blog, you know about.  Remember that post, where I commented on how intensely the edits were kicking my ass...yeah. Pay her a visit here:

I was originally going to do a post about my other May release, Reclaimed, but there's no buy link for it up yet on the publisher's website.  Frustrating!  Because both of the stories are really good, and I don't want to neglect one so that the other can get all the spotlight, but what can I say, Storm Moon Press is one organized mofo.  At any rate, I'll be doing contests for each of them once we get closer to the release dates (which are only one day apart), so hopefully that will spread the love around.  All that messy, sticky love, just waiting to be spread...

I think I'll stop now.

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