
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Changing Worlds is coming! (cue Jaws theme)

Sweet news!  My novel Changing Worlds is available for preorder at Storm Moon Press.  There are a couple of cool things about this.  One: the short story Opening Worlds is included for free with the book, which is nice for people coming into this particular setting for the first time.  Two: the book is discounted if you preorder, both in e-format and paperback.  You can even bundle it and get both, if you really love me:)  Find it here:

There's going to be all kinds of promo to go along with this book.  There'll be a blog tour (a first for me, I had to have my publisher explain what one was...because I'm just that savvy) and a contest on my website/here that will include a giveaway, but if you don't like the giveaway odds (and I don't even know what they are yet) preordering is a lovely way to save some money if you plan on buying the book anyway. 


  1. Yay! I'm excited for this book!

    Also, did I mention before how awesome the cover is? Pretty cool to have an artist create something specifically for your story :-)

  2. Tiffany--it is amazing, isn't it? I'm still fangirling about the cover...which is kind of dissociative behavior, but there you go.

    Cristian--Omg, I love you! Thank you for preordering, I hope you enjoy the book:)
