
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Release Day Contest

Ha, I didn't forget!  Today is the release of A Blinded Mind from Dreamspinner Press, yay!

So's the longest thing I've ever published, not including Literotica stuff.

Below is a link to my new release page on Dreampsinner. 

Note that I'm not asking you to rush off and buy it in order to play this contest, although if you like my work you're probably going to enjoy this book.  All you have to do to play is comment on this blog post.  That's it.  Show willingness.  Indicate interest.  Introduce yourself, for those of you who read but never comment, which I get.  If there are five or fewer commenters, then you all win!  You can pick an ebook of mine for me to send you, pick from the paperback books of mine that I have on hand (all anthologies, so they might broaden your horizons) or be a beta for one of my in progress or near future works, which includes the one I posted snippets of earlier, Different Spheres.  Yep.  Cheat time and read it before it's published.  If there are more than five commenters, then I get a number generator to randomly select two of you and offer you the same deal.  Capische?  Is that how you spell that?  Anyway, the contest ends at 8am Colorado time tomorrow, so you get a full 24 hours to post a comment.

So many choices!  What can I say, I'm a giver and this is my first contest ever, so I just want to see who's out there.  Happy Tuesday, guys.

And btw, it's snowing again.  Way to kick a drought, Colorado.  I've moved up in the world though, I now have a fleecy jacket.  Still no gloves and hat, but they're on my To Do list..


  1. A Blinded Mind is in my shopping cart! Once I finish the book I got from the library last week I'm all over this one. Congrats on another publication! In case you didn't know, we all think you're pretty awesome ;-) Keep up the hard work!

  2. Congrats! I love it that your work gets published. I love your stories and I hope you love your live back in the US!
    Jana from Germany

  3. Congrats on the new release! Oh, and I totally agree with Tiffany. We do think you are awesome!I mean, not a lot of authors would treat their fans with stories while living in the middle on pretty much nowhere with almost no Internet.

  4. Found you on literotica and I'm a huge fan of your work. I think I might like Pandora even better than what its spun off of. Keep writing!

  5. Hi Cari, Just finished Surviving the Change published on totalebound. Really enjoyed it. Found this site when looking for your other works. Will give Blinded Mind a shot next.
