
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Contest Results (and a word on Pandora)

8 am Colorado time is here.  Contest over!  And did you guys ever know how to work it!  Five commenters means five winners.  Tiffany, Jana, Irina, Cat and Karen, you guys are the best.  Thanks for playing, thanks for commenting, now I need you to email me your pick.  Any one of my ebooks, a paperback book (either Wild Passions, Myths and Magic or Making Contact) or beta rights., ladies.  I can't wait to hear from you.

And for the people who read my blog for the writing (I know you're out there), the next post I make will be the next piece of Pandora.  (Thanks for all the lovely words about that, by the way.  I'm glad so many people like it.)  We'e nearing the end.  I can smell the finish line:)

Thanks to all of you who visit.  You make me smile.  More importantly, you make me write.

1 comment:

  1. Love your stories looking forward to the end oft
