
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jenre Review for Wild Passions

I may have mentioned a few times before that I love it when Jenre reviews my stuff.  Not just because she tends to like my work either, although that certainly does make me all glowy.  She gives thorough and thoughtful reviews and good constructive criticism, which every little author needs if we want to grow up to be big authors someday.  Jenre recently posted a review for the anthology Wild Passions, which features a story of mine.  You should check out her site if you're interested in good information on a lot of different books in the genre, no pun intended.  Here's the link:  jenre's wellread blog.

Here's the excerpt for my story.  So nice:)

Opening Worlds by Cari Z

I have a total girl-crush on Cari Z's stories and so I was really excited when I saw that she'd written one for this anthology. Once again she didn't fail, and this story was my favourite from the anthology. It tells of lonely luxury space ship captain, Jason (yes, two stories with a Jason as a hero!), who is a little bit fed up that three Perels are joining his ship on the last leg of their space-tour. Perels are known for being alluring creatures with the sexual habits of tom cats. Jason is still nursing a broken heart and prefers not to sleep around so he decides to keep himself as far away from the Perels as possible, something which proves difficult when politeness means that he meets Ferran, one of the Perels who takes an interest in Jason. There were two things that I particularly liked about the story. The first was the way that Ferran and Jason slowly get to know each other. The dance around their attraction was wonderful to read and all the more satisfying when they give in to their feelings. It was all just so romantic! The second thing was the world-building which was done so deftly with little incidental details slotted in amongst the larger information about Perel society. The only niggle that I had was that the ending was just a tad convenient, but I forgave that when the rest of the story had been such a delight to read.

Why thank you, Jenre!  I would comment appreciatively on your blog, but apparently the whole "posting from West Africa" thing has caught up with me and blocked all my ids.  I can't even comment on my own blog.  Hopefully I'll resolve the situation soon.  If not..America in less than 2 months, baby.  Wooo!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, thanks for the kind words. I'm blushing, really :).

    Thanks for the great story. I hadn't realised that the sequel to treasured was out so I'm off to read that now.
