
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Awesomeness of Note: blogging and Brief Encounters

There are two things to chat about on this fine fine day.  Firstly, tomorrow the 29th I'm a guest blogger for Lisabet Sarai's Beyond Romance blog, to be found here:  I'm talking about the reality that is an ending, and how incredibly bittersweet it can be.  Why?  Because soon my husband and I will be finishing our 2-year Peace Corps stint and returning to America.  This is huge.  Epic.  It it both awesome and painful all at once, because we've done so much here and established ourselves in the community, and now we have to go back and rebuild our lives, and livelihoods, in the states.  Hard.  At the same time, we haven't been in America in what feels like forever, and the mere thought of some of the wondrous things we'll be able to find there (bookstores, anyone?) fills me with a slightly-guilty glee.  Sigh.  At least we're bringing our dog back.

Secondly, it turns out my story Worth It was included in the anthology Brief Encounters, edited by Shane Allison and published by Cleis Press.   Apparently it's out now.  Why didn't I mention this before?  Simple reason...I didn't know.  I'm not going to have the whole "technology sucks here!" excuse in the states so I'd better get all my mileage out of it now:)  My story features two young men getting it on in an airport on their way to, shocker, Germany.  Do I write from real life?  Are you kidding?  If I was a man this would be practically autobiographical:)  Here's the link info and blurb:  Brief Encounters.

Brief Encounters

69 Hot Gay Shorts

Edited by Shane Allison

Sudden Sex Stories: Short in Length, Long on Pleasure

According to editor Shane Allison, "the best sex is sex that happens in an instant, when we least expect it." In Brief Encounters: 69 Hot Gay Shorts, Allison has curated a delicously dirty set of tales that are thrilling, intriguing and always surprising. Among the scenarios in Brief Encounters: two strangers act out their own scene when the theater lights go out in Logan Zachary's "Back Row." A student's quest for an A includes seducing his studly professor in Rob Rosen's "Hot for Teacher." Erotica veteran M. Christian wastes no time in getting to the good parts in the raw and raunchy blow-by-blow tale "Safe Sex." This big, bold book of gay quickies is guaranteed to satisfy on every level.

Lastly, I will endeavor to give you another Pandora segment before June is out.  I know...that leaves me two days.  I know!!!!  ARGGG!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for not posting comments recently. We had some bad storms in this part of TN (mass power outages, etc) and though I haven't lost power, my house got zapped in a lightning storm and it killed my internet (and TV, and washing machine, and so on...). Been living without for the last week or so and its KILLING ME! So I only have my cell phone for surfing the web and its very slow and not very helpful. I did read 'Opening Worlds' but I am waiting until I can type my comments using more than my thumbs to elaborate on what I thought :-)

    Hope to have my internet back by the end of next week. Fingers crossed. Also, having a working TV again would be nice too...not that there is ever anything worth a damn on these days.
