
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Hadrian's Colony: Chapter Two, Part Two

 Notes: Short but sweet! Enjoy it while it lasts, muahahaa ;)

Title: Hadrian's Colony: Chapter Two, Part Two


Chapter Two, Part Two


Being with Elanus was incredible. It was also…strange.

Kieron bit his lip against a gasp when Elanus pressed his teeth to the inside of his wrist, just enough pressure to make his fingers spasm a bit. Elanus lifted his lips just enough to say, “Mm, don’t be quiet,” before he started to gently bite his way up the sensitive inner skin of Kieron’s arm.

This spot hadn’t been an erogenous zone for him before. True, he hadn’t been with many lovers, but no touch of any kind to the skin of his arm had made his body light up like it was on fire. After his first time sleeping with Elanus since…the event, he’d gone back through his medical records to see if there was something that could explain it—a transplant, maybe.

Total integument regeneration. He’d had to have his skin regrown after taking deadly levels of radiation rescuing Catie. Apparently it had come with a few changes…and Elanus knew about them. He knew things about Kieron’s body that Kieron himself didn’t. Kieron wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

“Stop thinking so hard,” Elanus murmured against the bend of his elbow before blowing a raspberry there. Kieron glared and tried to pull his arm back, but then Elanus licked the spot and he ended up gasping instead. When teeth followed tongue, he had to curl in on himself a little to keep from shivering all over with pleasure.

“I’ll always stop if you want me to,” Elanus said as he worked his way higher. It was a little odd being with someone so much taller than him—if Kieron were to wrap his legs around Elanus right now, they’d envelop his chest instead of his waist. “But I hope you don’t.”

“How do you know all this?” Kieron asked—demanded, really—as Elanus finally made it to his chest. He didn’t bite there; instead he began to suck small, sharply pleasurable spots into Kieron’s pale skin. When he finally covered his nipple with his mouth, all Kieron could do was stare up at the ceiling and moan. A pinch and a twist to the other side, and he had to squeeze his eyes shut and stop himself from rutting up against whatever body part his dick could reach.

“I like to learn you,” Elanus said, giving him a moment’s respite a few seconds later. Kieron was quivering beneath him, throbbing with rising ecstasy but not quite far enough along to let go. “I’m a scientist, I experiment. I make hypotheses and run tests.” He bit the side of Kieron’s neck and Kieron made a sound that, frankly, he’d never heard himself make before.

This was another place where they were so different. “I don’t do that with you.” He knew that much about himself. “Do I?”

Elanus shook his head. “No. You like to be shown what I enjoy most, and then do it better than anyone else I’ve ever been with before. I love that,” he added when Kieron couldn’t quite bring himself to look down at Elanus. “It’s good that we’re different. I can be…bossy in bed sometimes, and you let me get away with it. You always make it good for me.” He finally reached Kieron’s lips, but he hovered over them instead of closing the distance. “Is it good for you?” he asked, uncertainty coloring his voice.

How could he even ask that? “You’ve had me on edge since you started kissing me, are you kidding?” A closer look at Elanus’s face tells Kieron’ that his lover is not, in fact, kidding. “Now who’s thinking too hard?” Kieron asked wryly, then tilted his head up just enough to capture Elanus’s lips. He wove his hands into the long top section of his lover’s hair, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. “I like that you know me,” he said when they separated at last. “I just wish I knew myself as well as you seem to.”

Elanus grinned, then reached down with one hand and—

“Oh, fuck!” Holy fuck, that hurt but it was so fucking good, oh god, how could he like being pinched there of all places, oh god, oh god, oh— “I’m going to come, oh my god, I’m going to—” And then Elanus slid down his body and took Kieron’s cock into his mouth, ran his tongue down the underside of it just so before he sucked hard, and then the pinch tightened and—

He came, hands still gripping Elanus’s hair in bewildered wonder as he shivered and shook with pure pleasure. An echo of it wracked his body when Elanus’s tight grip relaxed at last, and Kieron felt like nothing more than a puddle in the middle of their mattress.

Elanus came back up to kiss him, his own desperation coming to the fore now. “I want your thighs,” he said, and Kieron hummed his assent. It was just a few seconds of shifting, rolling onto his side and listening while Elanus slicked his cock before he plastered himself against Kieron’s back, slid between his clenched thighs, and began to fuck up against his perineum and balls.

The slick made his slide easy but his tip was dripping. Kieron reached down between his legs to touch as Elanus pushed forward so he could feel the head of his cock every time it pushed through. “Fuck, fuck,” he whispered. Part of him wanted Elanus to be inside of him but this was good too, it was so good. Every time he had sex with Elanus was somehow the best he’d ever had, it wasn’t fair that he didn’t remember everything that came before, it wasn’t, but he was so fucking lucky to have it now…

If only he could remember. If only he could remember. If only he could—

“Kieron,” Elanus moaned as he came. “Sweetheart, fuck, I love you.” He wrapped his arms around Kieron and pulled him in tight, pulsing between his legs and whispering endearments and curses in equal measure. Kieron held him back and reveled in his love.

But felt guilty as hell about it, too.

I don’t deserve you. I’m not good enough. I ruin things. I’ll ruin you and the girls. He would if he kept going the way he was, he knew it. Kieron was too ignorant of himself. He needed to relearn how to be the person who deserved them.

Hadrian’s Colony was as good a place as any to start.

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