
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Cloverleaf Station: Chapter Thirty-One, Part Two: AKA THE END!

 Notes: HOLY HECK, we're finally at the end of this one! Over 80,000 words to tell a story I thought would take about half of that. Does that mean I've wrapped it up nice and neat in a bow for you? HAHAHAHAA, no, I'm sorry, I didn't. Many problems are solved, but many more new problems await. The next story, Chelen City, will be in Elanus's POV, and begin next Tuesday. I thought at first I'd be diverting to different subject matter for a while, but no. The lure is too strong.

Happy New Year!

Title: Cloverleaf Station: Chapter Thirty-One, Part Two


Chapter Thirty-One, Part Two


Kieron had to give Elanus credit for how unflappable he was. They’d spent months apart, coordinating a dramatic rescue operation that had resulted in bringing over a hundred refugees here to Gania while taking care of a pair of very intelligent and opinionated beings at the same time, and as soon as they were together again, Kieron had broken down. He’d never, ever broken down like that before. He thought he was better than that, needed to be better than that, and he wasn’t.

So maybe the only thing he could do right was sex, then. That was fine—he wanted that, he was good at that, they were good together. Except this time around…

Kieron, sweating and horny and frustrated, covered his face with his hands. “It’s not you.”

“I know,” Elanus said, sounding as even-keeled as ever. He was stroking Kieron’s cock, which was resolutely staying soft no matter what they did. Not even being fucked had brought Kieron off, even though it felt so good. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not!”

“I phrased that poorly,” Elanus acknowledged with a grimace. “What I mean is, I’m not taking any sort of offence here. What is there for me to be offended about? I get to touch you and kiss you and make love to you, all of that is fantastic for me. The fact that you’re not hard right now? Not necessarily unexpected.”

Pfft. “It’s never happened before.”

“Really?” Elanus raised his eyebrow. “Not even when you were extremely stressed?”

“I tend to have more erections then,” Kieron said.

“What about all those months when you were alone on Cloverleaf Station? How often did you get off then?”

“Um.” Actually… “Almost never. It just never occurred to me.” Kieron uncovered his face and looked at Elanus. “How weird does that make me?”

“It doesn’t.”

“Elanus, seriously, I—”

“I’m being fucking serious, so lay there and relax and listen to me for a while, all right?” There was enough emphasis in his voice that Kieron acquiesced, even though he wanted to keep arguing. If today had made one thing clear, it was that he was needed help in ways he didn’t understand.

“So you don’t feel the need for sex all the time. So what? You like it with me, or at least I assume you do from the things you’ve said and the number of times you’ve come down my throat or against my hand or inside of me,” Elanus said. He moved the slick fingertips of his free hand back down to Kieron’s hole, rubbing along the outside before finally penetrating him with a finger. Kieron gasped as Elanus immediately found his prostate and began to rub it. It felt so good, more intense with such specific stimulation.

“And your body reacts different ways depending on the circumstances. High pressure means a higher libido, maybe. Lower pressure, less need to blow off steam. Weird-as-fuck circumstances that you’ve never experienced before, after being run down to the point of exhaustion for weeks on end, means you get horny without getting hard. Not the worst thing in the universe, babe, not by far.” Elanus smirked. “No pressure here, by the way, but how much do you want to bet I can get you to come like this?” He slid another finger inside and moved both of them together, pressing and tapping.

“I never—never win bets against you—yuh—oh, fuck…” Kieron bit his lower lip as his balls drew up, pressure building, gathering, and finally releasing even though his cock never got more than half hard. It felt so good—strange, different, but good. He breathed through it, eyes falling closed as he reached up for Elanus. His lover gentled his touch and finally pulled out before settling in against Kieron’s body and kissing him with surprising sweetness.

“It’s still great sex,” Elanus pointed out once Kieron had caught his breath. “Just different. Different happens, and that’s all right.”

“Is there any problem you don’t have an answer for?” Kieron asked languidly. He was surprised when Elanus didn’t answer immediately. He opened his eyes again and looked at Elanus, whose face had gone stoic.

“More than I’d like,” he said with a sigh. “Being back on Gania has been excellent in some ways and terrible in others, even apart from the awfulness of missing you and Lizzie. A lot of it is business, some is politics, some is metaphysical…”

Kieron chuckled. “Metaphysical how?” When Elanus didn’t immediately answer, or join in the laughter, he got suspicious. “Is…is this about the girls?”

Elanus pressed his head against Kieron’s chest and blew out an aggrieved sigh. “So godsdamn much is about the girls.”

“Mm.” Kieron tilted his head up to kiss him. “Tell me about it.”

“Are you sure you want the know? It’s guaranteed to make your blood pressure rise.”

Honestly, a little more stress might do Kieron some good at this point. “I’m your partner. I want to know.”

That got a smile. “Well then, strap in, because this is going to take some time. And some food. And some booze…actually, let’s clean up, get something to eat, let me actually show you the place you’re living now instead of carrying you off to have my wicked way with you like some barbarian—which I want to do all the time, by the way, don’t make me stop, I’m begging you—and then I’ll tell you about the circle of lies, acts of sabotage, and attempted assassinations I’ve been dealing with here.”

Holy shit. “You’d better! What are you talking about, attempted assassinations?”

“They were very bad assassins,” Elanus said as though that made it any fucking better. “But I’ll tell you all about it. Promise. Let’s just make ourselves presentable first, huh?”

Kieron sighed. “Sure.” What the hell. Why not?

Maybe Gania would be less of a break from his normal after all.

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