
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Cloverleaf Station: Chapter Fourteen, Part One

 Notes: Okay, so a conversation derailed the smut, but it's an important conversation! Smut next time, I promise.

Title: Cloverleaf Station: Chapter Fourteen, Part One


Chapter Fourteen, Part One


The chair got stuck in the door of Kieron’s room. Luckily by then, it didn’t matter, because Elanus didn’t waste any time taking matters into his own hands and bodily lifting Kieron out of the chair and onto the bed, laying him on his back and smothering him with his weight a moment later as he kissed the breath out of his lungs. It felt like he was being crushed with the force of the other man’s desire, drowned in his emotions. It was so much. It was too much. It was perfect.

Too much sensation was what he needed to force his mind to stay in the moment. More time to think meant he started thinking other things that came up for him in close proximity to another person’s body. Things like how easy it would be to twist their neck to the point of breaking, how long it would take to dislocate the fingers that were tenderly stroking down the side of his face right now, how simple it would be to grab the shiv that he’d stashed in the wall just behind his pillow and use it to kill the person on top of him in five different ways that would send all the blood flying in the opposite direction.

That was probably the sort of thing that Kieron should discuss with Elanus before they got too deep into this, but…he didn’t want to stop right now. Things were so good, the warmth and pressure against his body reminding him that he was alive, he was real, he was right here, sharing this moment with this man, so different from him but wanting the same thing, for once. Kieron reached up and let himself touch, ran his own fingertips over the scruffy edges of Elanus’s decorative beard, gave in to the impulse to lick over the pounding pulse point in his neck, to nip ever so gently at his earlobe and listen to his sharp inhale and know that it was because of him.

Kieron had never wanted someone like this before. It felt like intoxication, like the one time he’d let himself become drunk in the presence of someone he trusted. It felt beautiful, like the chance for a release that he couldn’t even imagine because he didn’t know how to.

A sudden spike of fear—not fear of being hurt, or of hurting Elanus, but of his own deep ignorance, finally drew Kieron out of  his daze of desire. He put his hands on Elanus’s chest and pushed back.

To his surprise, Elanus went instantly, no lingering or trying to reposition himself. He just sat back on his knees, eyes closed, and took a deep breath, running one hand through his wild brown hair before finally looking down at Kieron with a wry smile. “Too much?”

“It—it’s not that,” Kieron said, but the truth was it was too much, in a way he couldn’t articulate. “It’s not—I’m not—you haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I’m glad to know that, but that doesn’t tell me a lot,” Elanus replied, and held up a hand to forestall Kieron’s urge to get off a quick response. “Which is fine. I don’t want to lay down any sort of law or give you an ultimatum. I just want to be with you, in a way that’s good for both of us. If that means we fuck, or I suck you off right now, or we settle back on your bed and watch a holovid for a few hours without Catalina asking us to make Tyrannosaurus Pirate sounds. That’s all fine with me.”

If it had been anyone else, Kieron would have immediately assumed they were lying. Sex could be complicated but it was also primal, a matter of instinct. Instincts, however, weren’t created equal. There was no way sitting there and watching a movie in close contact would be as good to Elanus as fucking.

Besides, Kieron wanted to fuck. He just didn’t want to screw things up at the same time by not knowing how to express his enjoyment, how to let Elanus know that it was good and not something he was bearing, where to draw the line between pleasure and something he would bear, for the right person.

And Elanus was the right person. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gotten this far. Not with Kieron still recovering. He couldn’t imagine making himself vulnerable to someone he didn’t completely trust.

Actually, that thought helped quite a bit. He trusted Elanus. He trusted that whatever happened between them, they could be honest with each other. “I’m not sure what I like,” Kieron settled on at last.

“Okay.” Elanus nodded. “That’s good to know. Do you have any opinions on what you’d like to try?”

“I already told you.”

“Yeah, fucking, but it doesn’t sound like you know that you’re going to like that.”

Kieron sighed. “I mean, I know I like it. I’ve liked it before, but it’s been a long time and I’m different, now, than I used to be.”

Elanus tilted his head a bit. “Out of curiosity, who was doing the penetrating before? You or your partner?”

“They were. To me.”

“Huh. I’m a little surprised you allowed that.”

Kieron rolled his eyes. “Why, because it put me on the bottom? Like I couldn’t have killed either of them at any time.” Whoops, not the thing to bring up with the guy you were trying to talk into having sex with you. “I mean…”

“I think you mean exactly what you said.” Elanus arched an eyebrow. “And, okay, I definitely don’t want to be killed tonight, so that makes me think we ought to come down on the ‘movie and cuddle’ side of things. Blowjobs are great too, I’d never knock ‘em. Fingering is amazing. Toys are the best—shit, I didn’t bring any of mine with me, I left in too much of a hurry, but maybe we could have Catalina fabricate some—”

“Absolutely not!” Kieron couldn’t have been more horrified if Elanus had asked to invite Deysan into bed with them. “You don’t avoid having the sex and baby talk with your child by asking her to fabricate sex toys. Fuck no, we’re not doing that.”

Elanus nodded. “That’s a very fair point. Okay, then, what about you fucking me?”

“Me fucking…you.” Kieron looked the lean, very long man over for a second. “Where the hell would I even put your legs?”

“Over your shoulders, around your waist, spread beneath you on the bed, or on the floor for starters,” Elanus replied with a smirk. “There are so many places to put them. I know some positions are hard for short people like you to handle, but really, you don’t have to be as glorious as me to show me a good—”

The pillow Kieron threw hit him squarely in the face. When it fell, Elanus was laughing. After a second, Kieron joined him.

“Look, we’ll work it out,” Elanus promised. “We’ll go slow, all right? Make sure it’s all good, but I know I would really love to be fucked by you, so if you’re into that, I’m game.”

Kieron looked this tall, handsome, ridiculous man over one last time. “Yeah, I think I’m into that.”

1 comment:

  1. You’re right, the convo needed to happen.

    Speaking of happening, if you HAPPEN to have the next chapter ready, we wouldn’t be opposed to an early post. Just a suggestion …
