
Monday, December 20, 2021

So yeah, story delay because...

 We were supposed to have access to daycare this week (except Friday) for the kiddo, but it turns out she was exposed to Covid last week at said daycare. We get it, it happens, but since she's too young for the vaccine, she and all the other unvaccinated kids in her class have to quarantine for ten days (we're getting a Covid test of course, but regardless of result she still can't go back to school until the ten days are over, at which point it'll be the holiday break). So that means all the time I was going to use to finish up my end-of-year freelancing contracts is basically halved.

I'm not working regular contracts next week, so I should be able to write a lovely Cloverleaf Station chapter for you then, but this week is all trying to hit unexpected deadlines for me. Sorry, darlins. We're all feeling well and probably fine, thank god, but we're also hella busy (trying to keep up with ONE small child is exhausting, how do you parents of multiples do it? HOW?). This after LOSING this month's Patreon story installment because of a mistake after my computer auto-updated. It's been a rough stretch writing-wise, for me.

Please, accept my apology and have a marvelous Christmas if you celebrate it, and enjoy your time with family and friends if at all possible. I'll be back with more Kieron, Elanus, and space weirdness next week ;)

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