
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Real-life update and plotting rant!

 Hi darlins!

So, there is no story today for two reasons. First, I got my J&J shot on Friday, and while I'm thrilled beyond measure about that, I also lost most of Saturday to a fever and prepping for a (virtual, but I was running it) baby shower for my sister, which was what I spent Sunday doing. So my attempts at writing anything at all this weekend were basically shot.

 Second, and more directly involved in this delay, is the fact that honestly, I need to take a week or two to figure out the next part of this story. This is something I rarely do with blog stories, which I write in a pantser style, letting the muse move me as I stick to whatever loose outline I penned before starting. Right now, though, I'm working on a LOT of stories. Like...I've got a coauthored one going with L.A. Witt, I've got a Patreon story, a Radish story (it just wrapped but I'm plotting the sequel), I'm finishing the Luckless sequel Dauntless, I'm working on an M/M contemporary, I'm plotting TWO novels for IP properties, and I'm plotting a PNR trilogy which might potentially end up at Entangled. This, I must finally acknowledge, is too much, even for me. I love working on multiple projects at once, it's part of how I keep myself moving forward and not getting bored with any one thing, but right now I've overextended myself, and I either admit it and take a pause on a few of these projects, or start fucking things up.

I'm not stopping Rivalries--far from it! I was actually thinking I'd cut out some of the subplots and propel this baby faster to the end, but decided against it. It's a fun story with great characters and I want to do justice to it, which means really plotting it out instead of winging it from here on. So I'm taking a week or two for finishing other projects and really nailing the rest of this one down, then coming back swinging.

I'll still be posting things here over the next week or two, no worries! Just not Rivalries.

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