
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Upcoming release and ARC interest

Hey darlins!

I've got a re-release coming at the very beginning of next month, yay! If you like shifters and reluctant romance and danger and, y'know, a lot of the stuff you associate with my writing (bodily injury, mostly--I do like my whump) then Surviving the Change might be just the book for you ;)

New cover too, courtesy of Danielle at Doelle Designs!

Also, I put an ask up about this on my Patreon, but I thought I'd throw it out here too--are any of you interested in ARCs in exchange for an honest early review? I'm looking to boost my stories' visibility, and I figure my blog-following stalwarts are one of the best places to as about reviews. Please leave a comment or email me at to let me know!

Stay warm, stay safe!


  1. I feel dumb as hell, but what is an ARC?

    1. Oh heck, no worries, I should have defined it. An ARC is an Advance Review Copy. An early copy that might not be totally polished but is available to reviewers, basically.

  2. Oh! I’d be happy to do it. Do you also want feedback (don’t know if anything can change) or simply a review?

    1. :) The ARCs are already edited, so they're basically set as far as big changes go, but if you're interested in beta reading... *rubs hands together*

    2. Sure, I could beta read. I rarely do reviews.

    3. That said, I would make an exception. Let me know what you need most.

    4. Aw, you're so sweet! But don't let me talk you into doing something you don't like. The occasional beta read would be amazing! If you don't mind me contacting you when I have something coming, I'd love to get your opinion, but again, no requirements, no pressure :)

    5. np! I’d like to help — I used to be a newspaper editor. If I don’t have time, I’ll say so.

      In the meantime, I’d be happy to review this story.
