
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It's Fucking Election Day, Let Me Give You Stuff!

Hi darlins...


How 'bout that election?

Seriously, though, I'm in a mild state of panic and coupled with some angsty news I got yesterday (nothing bad on the personal front, just some professional sadness) the best thing I could think to do with myself right now was watch nature documentaries and avoid all mention of politics. I know stories help us through times like these, but my writing brain just couldn't hack it yesterday. So instead, let me give away some ACX codes for my recent m/m thriller with L.A. Witt, Hitman Vs Hitman.



I have five, count 'em, five ACX codes for this brand-new, Michael Ferraiuolo-narrated, snarktastic and incredibly fun audiobook, and I want to give them away. To you! Because I love you, and we all deserve nice things! So, if you're interested, email me at with the subject line ACX (because I can't reply to comments on my own goddamn blog, because 2020) and the first five I get will get ACX codes. I'd love it if you left a review, but there's absolutely no obligation. Take care of yourselves, no matter where you live. These codes are for the US store, but I can see about getting a UK code if need be.

Fuck it, know what? I'll also give five people e-copies of any one of my books. Any of them. You want a book I wrote with L.A. Witt or Marie Sexton? I will do that for you (although I've only got one format for the one I wrote with Marie right now). You want to dig deep into my backlist? You want a copy of one of my blog or Literotica or AO3 stories? ANYTHING! You can have ANY OF IT, because I want all our lives to be a little bit better.

You have to email me though, because again--no commenting on my own blog. *facepalm*

I'll be checking my email Wednesday morning to see if anyone pops up. In the meantime, please know that I truly appreciate you, and I hope nothing but the best for you. Be well, darlins.

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