
Monday, September 21, 2020

Hello there, Patreon!

 Hi darlins!

Right, I've done it, I've made a Patreon. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a site that lets people become subscribers or "patrons" of my work, with different tiers for different levels of interest and access. 

The first level is a newsletter detailing my current and upcoming projects, which will always include a lengthy excerpt from something exclusive. 

The next level gives you access to all my other excerpts and WIPs, including covers and custom art I'm commissioning. 

The third level includes a monthly Q&A where I will answer any and all questions about my projects, as well as giving people a vote on where to focus my time and have a say in some creative input. 

The final tier, which is limited, includes me writing you a personal story from 1-3k words once a year on the characters (that I've written) of your choosing! I'm super excited about this one--anyone who knows me knows I love to write for prompts.

This is basically the beta version of the site for me, so I appreciate people taking a look and letting me know if my setup seems reasonable even if you don't want to subscribe. The blog won't change, the blog story will continue, there are still reams of free and paid work out there you can access (please access them!). But the Patreon will, hopefully, be a fun and interesting community that supports me in projects I wouldn't otherwise be able to take the time for. 

Sincere thanks to the readers who reached out to me about this before the fact. I've been wary of putting a Patreon up because I'm always wary of charging people more money for things, but I also have so many stories to tell, and so many others that could be revisited with the right motivation. (I'm looking at YOU, person who talked about a Changing Worlds sequel to me.) So, thank you for reading, thank you for your support in any way it comes, just...thank you, in general.

Also, sign on before the end of September and you might be picked to help me plot out a short story exclusive to be posted on Patreon, then on the blog :)

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