
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Coming Soon To A Blog Near You...

Hey, darlins!'s it going?

I'm doing pretty well on the writing front lately. I sold an M/M contemporary holiday novel to Entangled Publishing for Winter 2021, and got some editor likes from Carina Press on a pitch--another M/M contemporary romance. I'm hitting runs on the contemporary front lately--crazy!

But what should I do here? What do you want to read, what does your heart long for?

FYI, I tried making a poll and embedding it, but that was a miserable failure, so...back to square one--comments!

Contemporary is working out well for me lately, Sci-Fi is always in my wheelhouse, I have so many Urban/Low Fantasy stories percolating at any one time they might unionize, and I've had some major thoughts about Epic Fantasy lately. Then there's the other stuff I do--steampunk, cyberpunk (I've got one I need to finish, arg arg arg), fairy tale and myth retellings, that kind of goodness. What are you in the mood for? Please comment and let me know!

Let's narrow it down to genre before we dig in deeper. My only caveat is it has to work as a standalone--nothing connected to another blog story, nothing connected to another story I've published :)

Thanks, friends! I hope you're as well and happy as can be.

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