
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year! New projects, a giveaway, and best wishes for 2018.

It's 2018

One can only hope that, for those of us living in America, it will be a less politically toxic place than it was last year. I'm not holding my breath, but hope springs eternal. Anyway, onto more fun things.

I've got two books coming out in January with L.A. Witt from Riptide! They're the last two books in the Bad Behavior series, and while yes, we do put the guys through the wringer in the third book, the fourth is pure, unadulterated, delicious fluff. So if you like cop stories, if you like romantic suspense, if you like my work or L.A.'s or both, then I hope you pick these ones up. Reckless Behavior is out now, Romantic Behavior comes out on the 15th.

As far as other writing projects go, I've got a novel coming out in Dreamspinner's Dreamspun Desires line, called Handle With Care. It should be here in September. Also, the audio book of Off The Beaten Path will be available in January as well. I'll let you know exactly when.

This year I'm going to try and self-publish the first few installments of stories in the Bonded Universe, as well as The Train and The Tower as a duology. Tempest should make a reappearance as well, and I've got plans for a new blog story as soon as The Tower is done that I've got high hopes for. I've got another co-authored story with Lori in the works, I've got solo stuff I'm working on, and I've got my baby to take care of, so everything is going to happen when it happens. But I wouldn't trade extra time with my baby for anything, rush :)

Last but not least! I have four copies of the audio book of Friendly Fire to give away! It's narrated by Nick Russo, the same guy who did the first two stories in the Panopolis series, and I love it. 
To win, all you need to do is leave me a positive, hopeful comment about this coming year by January 15th, when I'll randomly select the winners. 
Thanks for all your support, your affection, and your time. Here's to a happy 2018 for all of us!


  1. Happy New Year, Cari!! Like you, I'm hoping for things to be less toxic. There is a lot of good and a lot of love out there - we just have to focus on it and spread it when we can.

    1. Right now you should focus on a new audio book! Happy new year to you, Lynette :) Email me at to get the code.

  2. I hope you and everyone reading this post has a safe, prosperous Mew Year filled with lots of love!

    1. I hope the same for you! And come claim an audio book from me, darlin'.

  3. Happy new year! I know it's just one day to the next, but I honestly felt like a page had been turned. Or maybe like the last page of a book and a new one picked up. One you're really excited to read! I just feel like we see how much we need to be there for each other, and that's going to make such a huge difference.

    Thank you for sharing the gift of your words with us, and this giveaway too!

    (caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com)

    1. Hi Carolyn! I certainly hope a page has been turned as well. Email me to listen to someone else turn pages for you!

  4. Hopeful comment: Surely 2018 won’t be as bad as 2017 was. #resist

    1. #resist, I hear you.

      Come and have an audio book! You can listen and resist at the same time.
