
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back From The Trail...A Bit Early

A stock photo of Snow Mesa, aka the place we didn't quite make it to...

Hi darlins!

I'm back from the trail, yaaaay. This was a decidedly mixed trip as far as enjoyment went. I love backpacking, love being on the Colorado Trail, and love spending time with me dad, so all good things. Unfortunately, we ran into technical issues on day two (someone's boot soles delaminated, so help me God-- but REI replaced the shoes at no cost, as they do) that couldn't be completely patched up with duct tape, and so had to pull out the following day. 

This left us a little short of San Juan Mountain and Snow Mesa, which are both completely gorgeous. I did get to do some lovely walking along Cochetopa Creek, however, practiced my blister-bandaging skills, and was treated to the delight of clouds of both mosquitoes and biting flies simultaneously. This is what happens when you hike where people put their cows out to pasture. *sigh*

Hopefully next year will be different. Actually, next year won't happen, but the year after that, then.

And now I'm back and will be writing and editing and posting the last part of The Train next week, because after that?

We're going back to Cody and Ten! *self-fives*


  1. Cody and Ten!! Yay, gimme more!

    Seriously though, thank you so much for taking time to write these wonderful stories for us. Please keep them coming.

    Much love from down under!

    1. Thanks for commenting and reading, Nethra! You're so welcome. Writing the blog stories is my pleasure :)
