
Monday, May 9, 2016

New Release: Perilous

Hi guys!

It's been a busy month. Like, seriously busy between day job, RT and new releases. The last of these is my new release today, which some of you may be familiar with: Perilous, formerly known as The Captain.

 My one and only work of historical fiction, set in a time period I adore: the Napoleonic Era and the Age of Sail. Sea battles! Cannons! Obscure nautical terms! Seamen! Lots and lots of seamen!

In all honesty, I love this story, and I'm grateful to NineStar Press for taking it on and editing the crap out of it. They've made it better, and I hope you give it a try. If you love Horatio Hornblower, Aubrey Maturin or just enjoy a good action story, you'll like Perilous!


  1. woooo! I can finally read the rest of the story!! <3 I was reading The Captain on Lit when you took it of the website haha :D

  2. Waaah! So good!! I didn't want it to end. The perfect mix of love, adventure, heart-ache... wonderful stuff :) I would have loved to read an epilogue!

    1. Aw, thank you. I think an epilogue would have been fun, but who knows, I might just write some more.
