
Monday, July 6, 2015

Ooh, I'm A Feature!

Hi guys!

Sooo, this month I'm very pleased to be Riptide Publishing's featured author! (insert loud woohoo-ing here)

I have a new release coming out on the 13th, Where There's Fire, and the blog tour for this one--guys. GUYS. The prize is, not to pat my own back too hard, awesome. You need to check this out. I'm giving the winner the chance to name a character in my next Panopolis book. We're talking Heroes and Villains here, which basically means you get nearly carte blanche to go crazy. So go crazy! You can order Where There's Fire here:

Being featured means that my other titles with them, the Rules To Live By anthology and Where There's Smoke are 50% and 25% off respectively. Which is good timing, since you can read the first in the Panopolis series for a discount and then check out the sequel with no waiting! All the info can be found on Riptide's website:

It's going to be a crazy busy week, I've got Redstone tomorrow and a different new release on Wednesday...hang on tight, darlins' :)


  1. Congrats!

    BTW, have I told you how much I ADORE the covers of the Panopolis books? Sooooo lovely!

    1. Thank you, hon! LC Chase is my artist, and wow, right? I think wow :)

  2. Wow! I think it sounds like the fire is right here. Congratulations, Cari. You're hot! Enjoy your month in the spotlight and best of luck with the new release.

    1. I make a dragon want to retire, baby ;)

      Thank you, I hope it all goes well!
