
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Hiking, Fresh Fiction and Cambodia

I'm back! I have returned from the Colorado Trail as of Tuesday evening, tired and sore and walked into the ground by my 68-year-old dad, which is partly embarrassing for me but mostly awesome for him. I have to say, with the damage I did to my feet I feel like one of Cinderella's ugly stepsisters.

Yeah, that's my foot, apparently a very imperfect fit for my new boots. Note to self: do NOT break those things in during a backpacking trip, you dummy.

Okay, other stuff! I'm featured on the Fresh Fiction blog today chatting about romancing supervillains. This is a very cool, fairly mainstream blog, so the fact that it picked up my new release to feature is awesome. Come and visit me!

Finally, my inestimable, fantastic mother-in-law has left for the Peace Corps as of today. She'll be in Cambodia by the 26th. She turns 63 two days later. She is fucking amazing, and I'm so proud of her. There is literally no one else in my extended family with the chutzpah to do something like this.

So, as for other updates...more Redstone next week, as I'm up to my neck in things to catch up on right now. :/ A few other little announcements here and there to come...yeah. Pretty much that. Thanks, darlins, hope all is well :)


  1. Glad you're back safe and sound! And glad you had a good time (reading between the lines here lol), besides your foot that is. New hiking boots on a long hike=new heels at a dance marathon. :(

    More Redstone next week, YAY! Can't wait! You are too good to us! :)

    Sorry I haven't been commenting lately, I've been very busy and have barely had time to read the stories I follow regularly. But know, I'm always lurking and reading! Lol


    1. Hi Scottie! Lurk away, darlin, it's all good. I always appreciate it whenever you can comment.

  2. Poor foot! Nothing a little dip in a Regen tank won't cure. ;-)

    1. I KNOW! What a timely technology that would've been. Instead I heal the old-fashioned, learn-your-lesson type way. ;)

  3. glad your back safe, sorry about the foot, but just to be captain obvious for a second, never never try and breaking in new anything when your going to be doing any activity for a long while, always chose comfort over fashion

    1. Hey darlin',

      There's always a place for Captain Obvious, although in this case it was cost savings over comfort. I should have known better, though :/

  4. A whoop for your MIL - she sounds awesome :-)
