
Monday, June 15, 2015

Two Amazing New Contracts!

Hi guys!

Yay, I finally get to spill the beans! I just finalized contracts for two novels, both to come out next year, both with either a new publisher or someone I haven't published with in a long time. This isn't because I'm not incredibly happy with my current publishers (Riptide, I love you) but timing wise it just worked out better this way.

The first novel is a completely new one that I talked about, like, two years ago. It's my massive epic fantasy, genderbending m/m romance version of The Little Mermaid, tentatively titled Tempest (here, have a tongue twister), to be published by...wait for it...Samhain!

Sploosh of happiness!

This is big for me, because I've tried to publish with Samhain twice before and been very nicely turned down. I don't have an agent, I'm not a big name, I wasn't at all sure they would go for this but I thought I'd try again with this novel. I sent it to them and settled in to wait, and then they got back to me in a week! It should be coming out next April, and I'm just...incredibly pleased by this. I think this story is really special, probably my best so far.

The second novel is technically a reprint, but not really, because the first time around it was free. Yeah...if you've read my stuff on Literotica, then you know I've got a ton of stories on there. You also might have noticed that one of them has been taken down. Not Bonded or Pandora! It's Shadows and Light, my take on the vampire mythos, and it's going to Totally Bound's new Pride imprint. It should be out in March of next year.

Luke Evans as Rafael, because omg why not? WHY NOT!?

So, yeah! Two novels next year, I'm so thrilled. Plus I've got Where There's Fire coming out next month, and In Memoriam, and Camellia 2 is out on Wednesday. Lots of stuff. 

Also, tomorrow is my birthday, so look for something special as your serial update ;)


  1. This is so exciting! I am basking in the sploosh of happiness!!! Congrats!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If I were Lily and Eric were Marshall, he would be reminding me about the indoor woo right now :-) Congratulations!

    And Shadows and Light is one of my favourites, so I can't wait to get my hands on version 2.0

  4. What great news! Congratulations! :)

  5. advance happy birthday and loved shadow and light! as had a chance to read your 10 tips for surviving the zombie apocalypses , love it hope you make a part 2 to that one!
