
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Soothsayer Ch. 15, Pt. 1

Notes: Oh my god, what have I done? What is this madness?!? We're so close to the end, guys, wow. And it's nasty. Never fear, though, we'll get through this.

Title: Soothsayer Chapter 15, Part One.


“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton

“We meet again, Mr. Kelly.”

                “So we do.” I couldn’t make myself smile back at Ólafur, I just didn’t have it in me. “I guess you got pretty much everything you wanted last time though, huh?”

                “Well, you were being recalcitrant, Mr. Kelly,” he replied. Ólafur looked at ease, but just like before I saw the whip-fast capacity for violence inside of him. The last time I’d looked into Papa Egilsson’s eyes, I’d seen him kill, both under the effect of the geas and of his own volition. “I had to make do some way.”

                “Bullshit. You used me to set this up exactly the way you wanted.” I shook my head. “You had this planned from the start. The sacrifice had to be meaningful in order to matter to the landvaettir, and how much more meaningful could it get than your own son?” Now for the part I was really interested in, though. “How did you know to use me, though? Why bother, when you didn’t really need my talent for anything?”



  1. Fantastic chapter, but I'm confused about two things;
    -- I thought one of the rules was that Cillian wasn't allowed to sacrifice himself?
    -- What was that clicking sound? And won't Soren's family kill Andre anyway, even with the Buddha?

    Also, I wanted to know what berserker Olsfur looked like. A Nordic Hulk?

    1. Uh oh, honey, did I write myself into a corner? Can you tell me where? Email me at, if I screwed up I need to fix it.

  2. Damn, Cari. I know you'll make this turn out okay but way to stop a girl's heart. Can't wait to see what happens next.

    1. Me neither! It's going to be exciting, that's for sure ;)

    My manicure is ruined!

    Okay, that's a fib - I've never had a manicure in my life. But if I had, it would be ruined from all the nervous chewing... If I didn't trust you to give us a HEA (you will, won't you? say you will?) I'd be panicking right now...

    1. Oh my god babe, don't worry, I'm going to fix everything! Even the weird parts.

  4. Oh my! I can't believe it! Cillian can´t die.You have to do some weird magic and bring him back.
    Fantastic chapter, I look forward the next.

    Kisses :)

  5. NOOOoooo. Come on, Cari, you can't just leave us here. I think the biggest problem is how well I can visualize all of this. So what that really means is that, in my mind, poor Cillian is going to be hanging upside down in that tree until you straighten him out.

    Another funny thing is that I know we've been headed toward this scene since the beginning, but it's not really anything like I expected. I just love it!

    Great story. Thanks so much for all you've put into it,


    1. I hope that the resolution isn't what you expect either, Lisa ;)

  6. I had a feeling it would come to this. :-(


  7. I am sitting here refreshing, refreshing, refreshing....just waiting for part 2! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Darn you for crafting such a unique and interesting story! That's just like you, always having to write things that I love and can't stop reading. Harrumph.

    1. Ha, you got me off my duff this morning, Rachel, thank you for the prod! I hope you enjoy part 2, and thank you! I'm glad you find it compelling.
