
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Soothsayer Ch. 14, Pt. 1

Notes: Oh my god, what's this, a vaguely naughty chapter at last? How have I written this much and not had any sex in it so far! Goddamn plot. Still, slightly elevated rating for this one, darlins, and we're careening toward the end now! Woooohoooo!

Title: Soothsayer Chapter 14, Part 1.


"Failure to plan is planning to fail." -- Adam Lakein

                There was a long list of stuff I needed to go over before my actual confrontation with Olafur and his brood. The trouble was, I couldn’t quite remember any of it. Most of it was set-up, things that I needed to do at just the right time in order to get the result I wanted. I was heading out to conduct a symphony of violence and lies, and there was no time for rehearsal. Everything had to happen just right, and that would take an unholy amount of concentration, but my mind swam around like a drunk fish, turning circles and not getting anywhere at all.



  1. AAAAUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!! Dontcha wanna post twice this week? *puppy eyes*

    1. I want to, but I have Noooooo Tiiiiiiime!!!!! It's kind of killing me too, so you're not alone honey ;)

  2. *dreamy sigh*... I could seriously stare at that photo all day.

    I'm so glad we're nearing the end. I want Cillian to live, too!!! Live! LIVE, damn you!

    Must find some way to distract myself until next Tuesday or the wait will kill me!

    1. Right? He's so damn good looking.

      The next few posts will be, whew, energetic to say the least! It's the part I go to pieces for: action action action!

  3. Hi, Cari:
    I love this story with or without sex, although I admit that sex gives a special touch to the story :)
    I'm dying to know what will happen, I hope it's a happy ending...
    Thanks for the chapter :-)

    1. Hi Mariag!

      It'll be quite the ending, that's for sure! Thank you for reading, hon, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

  4. I'm just, finally able to catch up, and I feel like I've been away from a close friend. This chapter was so beautifully written. Really lovely, Cari.

    You have my vote for Cillian...and Soren (both of them) living too :)

    1. Lisa, you're back! Hang in there another few weeks, hon, and we'll have final resolution. Yaaaay:)

      I'm glad you liked this one, I wanted them to have a moment.
