
Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Ginormous New Year's Giveaway Post!

Hi darlins!

Oh wow, 2015! You coy minx, with so much potential on offer. 2014, you were a year for a lot of personal growth and learning to follow through on things, and in 2015 I'm going to try to reap the benefits of those lessons.

I've got stories lined up with Less Than Three Press, Riptide (my new venture of last year, I'm so excited about this one) and hopefully Dreamspinner as well. I'm going to be querying agents for one novel that I've just finished (praise be) and one I plan to write later this year. I'm trying to write 4 novels this year. 4. Plus novellas and short stories. I'm so tired of my day job, I can't even tell you. It's time to stoke the fire and get into doing what I really want to do, which is write full time.

I'm keeping up on the serial novels on the blog, and will be turning some of them into self-pubbed novels in the new year. I won't be taking anything away, but I'll do my best to make the new versions worth your time. Once I finish Soothsayer, I'll be moving on to the sequel/spin-off of The Academy (muted cheers) so there's plenty to come that I hope you'll enjoy.

**Special note of thanks to Traductores Anonimos, who graciously provided my first ever Spanish story translation for You Get Full Credit For Being Alive. They've got another one coming in 2015, I can't wait!**

So, yes, busy busy. But I wouldn't have this kind of motivation if I didn't have fabulous people from all over the world helping me, and I want to let you (yeah, you, the people reading this blog for the most part, you're the group I'm talking to) know that I appreciate you. Hence the giveaway!

I couldn't narrow down the number of gifts I want to give to only one, so I'll just list them all.

1) An e-copy of every new story of mine that's published in 2015. This includes anthologies, I will work something out.

2) A paperback copy of LT3's Missed Connections anthology (don't look at the reviews, those people haven't made it past the first story for the most part. I'm incredibly pleased with the sci-fi story of mine that's in this antho) that I will ship anywhere in the world. Anywhere. Except Antarctica, that's just prohibitively expensive.

3) An original short story (it has to be short, I've still got some monkeys on my back when it comes to writing on story prompts (yes, if you're reading this from Bath, you know the one I'm referring to--it's happening this year!)) on just about anything you care to prompt me with. A spin-off of something I've written before, something completely new, any genre, and pairing--it doesn't have to be a romance, it can be anything. Anything but fanfic, because while I will be putting some of that out there in the New Year (it's so relaxing to write) I can't say it's any good, so. That's my caveat.

4) The chance to be a beta-reader for any project of mine that interests you. What's on deck? I've got a 110k m/m fantasy novel roughed out and ready to go, I'm working on a cyberpunk novel, I've got a contemporary percolating that I'll start in February...there's lots, and you'll get first dibs. You don't have to critique if you don't want to, it could be as simple as just getting your hands on it before everyone else.

Is that enough? It sounds pretty good to me...I hope you think so too! And now for: The Rules!!! 
All you have to do is comment below to get entered. Other ways to enter: shoot me a comment on Goodreads when this posts there, message me on Twitter, comment on Facebook. So much social media, oy, but it's part of being engaged, I guess. Be sure to mention which #  gift/s you're interested in (ie 1, 2, 3 or 4, you only get to pick one so choose wisely, Indiana Jones). I'll use a random number generator to pick winners on the 8th, one week from today. You can't win more than once, but you can enter multiple times to increase your odds.

Happy New Year! *throws confetti at you*

Me in my traditional New Year's garb. I sit like this all the time, yeah.


  1. Oh...4! I loooove working with authors who publish. Exploring their visualizations, examining the characters and their motivations, following the plot arc... plus dealing with all the small things we miss, because, as the one lost among the worlds in our heads, authors see the story instead of the words.

  2. Oh, wow! All of that attention for a year could go to a girl's head.

    allesonl at gmail dot com

  3. Ooh, so exciting! (And I'm not just saying that because of the promise of the Brighton boys ;-) ) My "Cari" collection on my Kindle already has more than a dozen stories, but there's plenty of room for more...
    And thank you for the motivation - I've promised myself that I'll finish my vampire novel this year - it's a scary challenge, but if you're aiming for 4 (4!) I have no excuse not to make the effort!

  4. It was hard to narrow it down to one! I'd love to beta ready anything fantasy or cyberpunk, but I'll have to go for 2, as I still love collecting paper!

  5. I'm going for 1! You're my favorite and it would be amazing to get all of your stories.

  6. Always so generous! No wonder we love you so much!

    I would have to pick #3. :-)

    (Also, I love those socks and I need to find a pair for myself ASAP.)

  7. I also love the socks :) I have collection of penguin socks myself but not that pair, I would love all options but will go with number 1, very happy your publishing more, can't wait to get them.

  8. Oooh, so hard to choose! I love all your work so I'd have to go with #1.

  9. Wow, Cari. Your generosity knows no bounds. And what awesome prizes!! So awesome that I'm having trouble picking one. Can I put them in the order of preference? If so, that would be 1, 3, 4, 2. If that's cheating then I guess I'll go with 1 since it ended being first.

  10. #3! #3! And I bet you can guess which spin-off i'd choose! :) Although, this was a hard choice...beta would be fabulous, and ALL your stories for this year? I'd probably never go to work! Lol I only have my phone (, so that might be an issue! Ha! So spin-off it is. I can already see it....
    You are much too nice to us. Thank you!!


  11. Thank you so much for offering such an amazing giveaway! My choice would be 1 or 2. (1 if I can only choose one option)

    I missed out on reading The Academy when it first came out. Could you point me to chapter one so I can catch up in time for the sequel?

  12. Happy New Year and number 4 please it was a hard choice between all of them lol

  13. Thank you for being so generous and writing so well!

    Paqui (Traductores AnĂ³nimos)

  14. 1 or 4! Looking forward to reading more of your incredible stories in the new year! PS awesome taste in pajamas. Fuzzy PJs Are the best

  15. Wow, Cari, it´ll be a year full of great things.
    Thanks for mentionating our work, it´s our pleasure to translate your fantastic work and we´re very grateful for showing so much interest in it.

    Good Luck for all your projects

    Mariag :)

  16. Hey, Cari, Happy New Year :)

    I can't help choose #1, it's just too tempting not to go for ;)

    And good luck with your writing/publishing year, and getting an agent!! I'll be rooting for you :D

  17. I would so love to win. And I simply love your stories, so I would choose your gift number one for a real fix!

  18. 1. Because I love your work. :) and maybe I'll get back to reading the blog stories *sigh* 2014 was definitively a different year....
