
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 7, Pt. 2

Notes: Oh my gosh, major revelations at last! A new quest, new trials and tribulations and a whole lot of WTF, honestly. Where do I even get some of this? This one was super fun to write. Enjoy!

Title: Soothsayer Chapter 7, Part 2.


“I wonder what inspires gamblers. Is if the adventure or the love of laziness?” – Paul Bamikole

                I woke up and realized I couldn’t feel my arms. It said something about my state of mind that the first thing I thought was, “Where is Sören?” It was quickly followed by “Oh my fuck, what the hell is wrong with my arms?”

                It took a few seconds for my mind to clear enough that I could figure things out. I was still outside, although now the sky was completely dark, the sun gone and the moon obscured by cloud cover. I wasn’t in the dark, though. The car was about ten feet in front of me, well into the field—how the fuck had it gotten there? Had Sören driven it there? Had he dragged it? Either way, the car was facing me, headlights on, so bright that it hurt to look at them. I could barely make out the silhouette of a man crouched in front of them, rifling through a bag—my bag.


  1. A bored spirit and competition that wants him dead.

    Never a dull life for Cillian lol.

    Really loving this story and can't wait to read more.

    1. Thank you darlin'! No, it won't be dull for Cillian, that's for sure.

  2. Oh, this is so much *fun*. Have I mentioned how much I like a psychopathic baddie? :-)

    1. Me too! Happy psychopathic baddie day, honey.

  3. Hi, Cari

    I love the irony that you use in the story, is great.
    I´ll wait for another chapter full of surprise.
    Thanks for all.

    1. Hi Mariag

      Thank you! Surprises, shocks, impromptu battles, they're all coming up.

  4. I agree with VC. This story is so fun! And different. And refreshing. I tried to wait a few weeks, so I could read several posts at once, but failed miserably.
