
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Spanish Translation for Full Credit!

Hi guys!

Okay, so this has taken waaay longer than it should, and so far I've only got the story up in two places, but whatever, I'm getting there. I never claimed not to be a bit of a Luddite. Anyway!

I have available now a Spanish-language translation of You Get Full Credit For Being Alive, courtesy of the amazing group Traductores Anonimos, whom you can find here: . Sweet! Where, you may ask, can I find this amazing thing to read?

Well, it turns out Blogger isn't as easy to upload PDFs at as some other sites are *coughWordpresscough* so I've done the next best thing, and uploaded both the Spanish translation and the original English version to Archive Of Our Own. Yes, I know it's primarily a fanfic site, but they allow for original fiction too and you can download it in a lot of different formats there. I'm on AO3 as CariZee. Here's the link to my homepage there, and both fics: .

Also, if you look over to the right side of my blog under Pages, you'll see a brand new page listed as Toda Una Vida Por Delante, which has links to both the English and Spanish versions of the fic, plus the Spanish-language version itself posted in its entirety. I'm working on getting it uploaded to All Romance Ebooks and Goodreads, but these things take time and I didn't want people to have to wait, it is! Hopefully there will be more to come.

Huge, huge thanks to the translators who worked so hard at this, and also thanks for the fabulous cover art. I'm doing a sequel in the new year, I hope you'll want to translate that too :)


  1. Hola CariZ Te agradezco muchísimo que tengas esta atención con los lectores de habla hispana. Por lo que he leído de la introducción, parece una historia poderosa y hermosa. Muchas gracias por todo y seguiré tus publicaciones

    1. Gracias por leer y por sus amables palabras!

    2. Hi, Cari:
      This is one of my favorite books of thematic M / M and I am very happy to know you're going to make a sequel. I love Justin, is a complex, strong yet tender, cold but vulnerable character, is unforgettable. I cant wait to read the continuation and of course that will translate to Spanish. I would like to translate all your books into Spanish. ;)

    3. Hi Minu

      Aw, thank you! I love Justin, and I'm glad other people do too. Trust me, when the sequel is done I'll be begging for it to be translated ;)



  2. Hi, Cari:
    I hope the book has many downloads in Spanish. Is a wonderful story and
    I'm looking forward to read the sequel.

    1. Mariag!

      We're off to a good start! I look forward to writing the sequel, it should be done in February, I think. Thank you for everything!


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