
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 6, Pt. 2

Notes: Finally picking things up again! I now this isn't the resolution you were looking for, but it's the last chapter before we get to meet Sören, so there's that! Yes, next chapter I introduce our mystery man, who is not about to become less mysterious, unfortunately. However, would you like a picture of him? A beautiful picture courtesy of ? Because it's beautiful and wonderful and I love it.

PS, there will be an Academy post later this week as an apology for being behind. Stay tuned!

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter 6, Part 2.


“I can’t be a legend yet. I’m not dead.” – Maynard James Keenan

                Andre obviously didn’t share my relief at escaping relatively unscathed from the Omni parking garage. He was silent for the first few minutes of our drive, opening his mouth every now and then to start yelling and then stopping before more than a hitch of breath emerged. It happened five times before I finally spoke.

                “Just get it off your chest; I don’t want you to have a stroke.”

                “And I don’t want to punch you in the face so hard your daddy feels it, but that’s where I’m at right now, so you give me some goddamn space.”


  1. Not the suit! :-(

    I am so loving this... dying to find out what Soren's story is :-)

    1. I know, can't keep the boy in suits! He's a menace. And he's surrounded by menaces, it's not looking good for his wardrobe. Soren answers soon!

  2. Not breathing but alive? Got my attention. Can't wait to see what happens.

    Looking forward to the academy post too.

    1. HI darlin!

      Yeah, one of the best things about writing UF? I can make all sorts of weird shit happen and then explain it, as though it really all makes perfect logical sense. Which, HA! But it does in my world ;)

  3. Thanks Cari. What's the academy post gonna be about?........... Lol. Looking forward to it!!!

    1. Hi Ose!

      Oooh, wait and see, baby, wait and see...

  4. Hi, Cari:
    Now I start to read the chapter but before i would like to ask if you recived the last two mail that I sent you. Sometimes fails my email.

    1. Hi Mariag!

      No, it's not you, it's that I'm perpetually behind on my emails. I replied to you this morning, darlin'. Thanks for the attachments, I love them! I'll make an announcement about things this weekend.

      Cari :-)

  5. Hi Cari:
    Soren not breathing but not dead? I love your imagination.
    Thanks for share with us that fantastic story.

    1. Hi Mariag!

      Complicated, right? Haha, it'll all be explained soon! Thanks for reading.
