
Monday, November 10, 2014

Bad Scheduling News

Hi guys,

So, the flight that I was supposed to be on today was cancelled this morning. I'm going to be flying back at 6 am tomorrow and won't be getting into Denver until 11, at which point I'm going to go straight to work. Yay. That means I'm not going to be able to write my regular Soothsayer post tomorrow.

Normally that means I'd be writing today, but I'm at my sister's place and she's sick (she was sick all through her bachelorette party, poor baby) so I'm going to be playing nursemaid. I may have time to write and pre-post this afternoon, I may not. I'm sorry! Blame Delta!

It's nice to spend extra time with my sister, it's not so nice to have to get up at 3 am tomorrow to go to the local airport. Ugh.


  1. Ouch - major bummer at the 3am start! Safe flight :-)

    1. Thanks, hon. Back safe and sound, if a little under the weather. Enjoy your last few days in Australia!

  2. Hope your sister feels better soon. :-)

    1. She'll be okay, although she sounds awful. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Carole Ann!
