
Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thanksgiving Love Letter

Hi guys,

It's Thanksgiving in America. I'm not going to get into the dubious history and politics of this holiday, or the commercialization of it, or the family drama of it. I'm going to try to take it for exactly what it says it is, a day to be thankful for what I have, and go from there.

I'm thankful for my extended family, and also thankful that I'm only seeing a few of them today. I'm thankful for my husband, who is an amazing and wonderful person who supports me in going for what I love. Estoy agradecido por todos mis maravillosos lectores, in Spanish and in English and in whatever language they happen to be encountering me in. I'm thankful I'm healthy, that I have wonderful friends all over the world, that I have a creative mind and a curious spirit. I'm thankful that I'm a writer, and I'm thankful that you're reading this. You contribute massively to my happiness, and I'm so, so appreciative of every comment, every kudos, every click and every story of mine that you read.

So, thank you! I wish I could say it better but I really can't. All I can do is keep writing and giving you reasons to come back.

With much love,

Cari Z


  1. Thank you too, Cari. I'm sure I'm not the only one of your readers who thinks we're lucky to have you (and your free goodies) - so it very much goes both ways :-)

    1. Good! Mutual admiration societies are the best societies ;)

  2. Thanks, Cari. I am very thankful for amazing writers like you who share your gift so freely. I definitely look forward to your stories each week (and the little extras that you often give us).

    I hope that you had a wonderful day.

    1. It was a wonderful day, hon, and I hope yours was as well. Thank you!

  3. Hi, Cari:

    I also thank all the people and every things that make you happy, because they make it possible sharing a bit of yourself and enjoy your wonderful stories.

    Have a great day :)

    1. Mariag! I couldn't do it so well without you.

  4. Thank you Cari for all your wonderful stories and please never stop writing.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone who reads here.

    1. I'll do my best to keep up the good fight, darlin'. Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Cari! I'm so thankful that I discovered you and your writing :)

    1. And I'm so thankful that you did! Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)

  6. Gracias a ti por tus maravillosos escritos ;) pasa una buena semana, besos <3
